So...I had this idea bouncing around in my head. Given my lack of focus for the last several years, I doubt I'll do anything with it, but I thought it would be interesting to put it out there for some discussion--maybe get some ideas to refine the concept or something, but mostly as a thought exercise. ^_^;
The Premise:
A mutagenic virus has swept over the planet, but only women have been affected. They get mild flu-like symptoms followed by a relatively harmless mutation...they grow a fully functional penis, becoming a fully functional hermaphrodite of the Futanari (w/ no external testicles) variety, with a bi-sexual orientation. Every woman is effected.
Now, being a particular fan of M2F and of futanari, this is where most Futa manga and hentai loses me, since the Futa almost always starts out genetic female. So the above premise wouldn't engage me as it is, so:
While men are unaffected by the virus, if they were to take a load of futanari semen internally, either orally or anally, they would also change into futanari though a much more traumatic process; the changes have to be much more extensive, after all.
Futanari are fully capable of fathering a child or becoming pregnant and giving birth. All babies born post-virus are also futanari. Men have become pretty much a superfluous, doomed evolutionary dead-end; once the current generation dies off or is assimilated there will be no more.
That's the premise. Here's some things I'd like to discuss:
--How would the majority of men react to the realization that they are no longer necessary to propagate the species? Naturally, many TG fiction readers would probably be actively seeking to be converted. Some men might be pressured into it by their wives or girlfriends. But what about the apologetically masculine-types?
--How would cultures that oppress women deal with their immanent doom? Sure they might forcibly remove women's penises (extreme female circumcision?), but since all babies born will also be futanari, this will not save them.
--How will the world governments react? What programs will be started to save the male species? Will they work once women realize they no longer need to put up with macho bullshit to continue the human race?
--I was thinking of having the futanari have a stronger desire to penetrate or be penetrated based on their menstrual cycle. I.E.: They want to be penetrated when they are ovulating, but want to do the penetrating when on their period. Also, when ovulating, they would find it more difficult to become erect and would produce significantly lower sperm counts then when they are on their period. Converse to how it is currently with females, two futanari living together would tend to have opposite cycles instead of the cycles moving to match.
Feel free to bring up any other aspects that you feel might be interesting or relevant. I hope at least some folks find this topic as interesting as I do.
Also, the idea I had based on the premise begins with a wife pressuring her husband to let her have sex with him. He firmly refuses each time, even when she offers to wear a condom, even when she says she won't let him penetrate her unless he returns the favor. Eventually, she gets resentful, ruffies him, rapes him (without a condom), and leaves him. When he wakes up, he has to deal with the consequences and his impending conversion.
If any one wants to use the premise for their own story, I'd like to read it. ^_^
BTW...My favorite version of the Futanari is the type with no external testicles and whose penis retracts internally when the futa isn't aroused. This would be the type used in the story.
Keep in mind.
There is still the issue of sexual preference. There is a raise why heterosexuals like those of the opposite sex. And homosexuals like those of the same sex.
If women had an extra appendage down there. They would still look like women. And when they are wearing pants, it would be difficult to tell the difference from now. And as such many of the women would still instinctively sexually prefer men.
Also, there is the issue of treating people as people. Whether they are biologically needed to continue the species, or not. That is just the simple concept of right and wrong.
There are a few plot issues you need to work out.
Though, this is an interesting concept you have come up with. And you have most of the idea works out. But, you need to play the story on plot and character development a lot. And be careful not to fall into the slippy slop of turning this into just written porn.
thanks for participating...
Agreed, sexual preference will play a role, though it will be harder on heterosexual men than it will be for the changed women. I figure most married couples will try to stay together. Some women might opt to have their penis removed surgically, though I was thinking of making them strangely reluctant to do so.
I also agree with the last generation of men being treated as normal. Sorry if I implied otherwise. I hate femdom stories where women take over the world and men are reduced to a level of oppression experienced by women in medieval times.
On the other hand, it would also depend on the behavior of men as well. Some might go feral, lashing out, due to their perceived end coming. Especially if they feared being converted.
Lastly, any story I write is unlikely to be porn. ~_^ I tend to write character driven least I did when I was writing. I don't mind the occasional sex scene, but I don't think I could write a pure porn piece.
Actually, it might go the other way.
On the other hand, it would also depend on the behavior of men as well. Some might go feral, lashing out, due to their perceived end coming. Especially if they feared being converted.
Actually, it might go the the other way. With the number of men dwindling, due to conversions. Either accidental, or intentional. Those that are still men realize that for women whom prefer men, it is coming down to a, lack of options, situation. So, the less attractive men might be getting some more than they use to.
In other words. The drought becomes a flood.
Or realistically, a mix of both...
I like it. Hadn't considered that aspect, which is why I put it out there for discussion. ~_^
BTW, I was in the process of editing the OP to add an additional factor I was kicking around when you first replied. I think it might be relevant to this. I dunno if you saw it or not.
Anyway, I'm thinking that the mutated women that prefer men are largely doing so out of social inertia, being as they become bi with the mutation. Thing is, with the increased desire to be the penetrating partner during certain times of their cycle, and with hetero men being by and large uninterested in being penetrated (let's assume those that are open to it have mostly already ended up converted), even if their partner is wearing a condom to prevent accidental conversion (especially with the risk of a broken condom leading to conversion), even "women" that have a preference for men might find themselves unsatisfied with their relationship. (This is kinda where I was going with my actual story plot.)
On the other hand, it could wind up with one man and two or more "women". This would allow for the "women" to safely enjoy being the penetrating partner with their sister wives.
Haha, you're right, it does sound a little like the plot for a porn fic, but realistically, how the mechanics of sex come into play would be a big issue in the aftermath of the virus.
Truthfully though, while there might be a significant number of male converts before it's discovered that men can be converted through sex, I don't see there being a huge disparity in the numbers of men and women (at least compared to what we already have today) for at least a decade or two after the virus when the new generation that was born futanari begins to come of age.
Years down the road, after men no longer exist, I can see futanari looking at men as an odd sexual fetish, like, say, catgirls are today. =D
You understand.
Anyway, I'm thinking that the mutated women that prefer men are largely doing so out of social inertia, being as they become bi with the mutation. Thing is, with the increased desire to be the penetrating partner during certain times of their cycle, and with hetero men being by and large uninterested in being penetrated (let's assume those that are open to it have mostly already ended up converted), even if their partner is wearing a condom to prevent accidental conversion (especially with the risk of a broken condom leading to conversion), even "women" that have a preference for men might find themselves unsatisfied with their relationship. (This is kinda where I was going with my actual story plot.)
With this type of story. It would be unwise to ignore a woman's cycle. But, play it serious. Do the research. And state the issue in a straight manner.
Haha, you're right, it does sound a little like the plot for a porn fic, but realistically, how the mechanics of sex come into play would be a big issue in the aftermath of the virus.
Now, you are starting to understand why I say it is a slippery slop.
Truthfully though, while there might be a significant number of male converts before it's discovered that men can be converted through sex, I don't see there being a huge disparity in the numbers of men and women (at least compared to what we already have today) for at least a decade or two after the virus when the new generation that was born futanari begins to come of age.
Actually, I would say five to ten years. Take into account this is a geometric situation. While all converts will not want a man. Some will. And with each new convert, there is one less men.
Eventually, the population proportion will be tipped so drastically, that the situation will reach critical mass, and in those areas the converts will demand the rest of the men convert.
Just from history. When population proportion shift so drastically, that the minority of the group is completely, is usually around 90% majority. It can be 85% majority. But, it will started at the latest, at 95% majority.
This deals with "group think" issues.
Those converts at that point will mostly rationalize that men need to be converted for their own good, is they can "rejoin" society. Even though they are still part of society. If on the fridge of social situations. Though, this does not mean that the men will be on the fridge of family, or economic situations.
For references in fiction on this subject. Look to vampire movies and stories. When vampirism has gone out of control and spread to most of the population. Such as the movie, Daybreakers.
The vampires can still reason, but in most cases they need to feed on human blood. So, they rationalize on with they are doing to those that are still human.
Though, in this case, since the converts don't need to feed on the men. They will just convert them to remove the issue of how to handle those that are still men.
Also, since this is going to be an original story. It is not a fanfic. When you are finished writing the story. You might want to ECO website, and pay sixty dollars to register and copyright your story.
What about men having surgery
Since women having their new penis removed was mentioned, what about converted men having surgery, to have their female parts removed.
A twist on the orientation thing might be for it to not effect preference in most of the time, but just be a driving lust during a certain point in their cycle, like being in heat in overdrive.
>i< ..:::
They would...
They would still look like flat-chested women though, where as if a former woman had her penis removed she would look and function like a woman, save the effect would be similar to female circumcision so she wouldn't get the enjoyment out of sex she had before.
Thanks for participating. =D
if this was happening it
if this was happening it could also spur new attempts at putting males in suspended animation to save the gender.
which could lead to groups of futanari trying to find them as when there are less of them they will become like forbidden fruit and thus more in demand to some.
viral futinari
if you would look at society at large you will find that we are evolving in that direction
We are?
A few more questions.
BTW...My favorite version of the Futanari is the type with no external testicles and whose penis retracts internally when the futa isn't aroused. This would be the type used in the story.
So, there penis is not connect urethra, so they still have to sit to pee? And instead, their penis is an clit that can enlarge, which has an opening that is linked, by a tube, to a pair of internal testes?
Also, I highly such when it comes to being penetrated, these women keep the same level of sexual heat as they did before they change. And when they need to penetrate being the same as most men have. It is a irritation. But one that can be ignored and controlled.
And there is the who issue of the feminine hermaphrodites learning to control their erections, like more men do when they go through puberty. They can create some embarrassing situation. Especially, if the erection is tied to that time of the month. That raising a whole new level of embarrassment for these women. When even they are trying to act normal during their time of the month, and they still get erections, with everyone figuring out why they are getting erections.
You can keep this from being porn, and still make some really good comedy situations out of your ideas.
A few answers...
I haven't really firmly decided on that. I'm leaning toward the urethra being connected to the penis, not that it will change having to sit to pee, since the penis will be in the same position as the clitoris normally is when not aroused.
That's what I was planning on. No nymphomania is planned or desired.
Erections aren't unstoppable or chastity devices that some folks are so fond of writing about wouldn't work. For the purposes of my idea, a slightly snug pair of panties will be enough to halt an erection. It wouldn't be noticeable unless the futanari is wearing a bikini and has her legs spread.
Keeping it from becoming a porn story will be easy if I was doing the writing. It mainly just sounds like we are discussing the plot for a porn story because of the points you wanted to address. It'd be different if we were talking about, say, the government's reaction, or something not relating to sex and attraction.
Another few questions.
I guess it goes without saying that the women effected by this virus will not gain secondary male characteristics, such as facial hair and a deepening voice. Nor, the change will not throw off their monthly cycle. Like what happens to FtM transsexuals when they start testosterone.
And those men effected by the virus will lose their secondary male characteristics, including what is listed above, as they will look, sound, and physically be more like women.
It is as you say...
Only difference being, men won't be directly effected by the virus. If they change it will be through being converted (which I guess will still be based on a mutagen carried by the now-futanari women, but they won't just contract the virus out of the blue).
Otherwise, you're correct in saying the victims will change to an undeniably female form. Thus, the Fall of the Race of Man. ^_^
An interesting concept....
A couple of elements you might want to consider.
Unconverted (natural) men might band together, one, for mutual support and security, and two, to have their social needs filled. I can see groups of passable/near-passable cross dressing men providing companionship services for the unashamedly masculine men and others.
With regards to the women realizing they no longer need to put up with macho bullshit to continue the human race, I think they will form "colonies" and take weaker normal men prisoner to torment. No longer have to put up with "macho bullshit" to reproduce, they will unleash their latent feminist hatred on them in an impotent attempt to exact revenge for female exploitation, bondage and forced marriage to men.