Just a heads up:
I have seen kudos go down when clicked.
The number actually went down after clicking it.
Let me explain further:
I have been re-reading a few I stories liked. And have been clicking the new thumbs up button on them not being sure if i had kudoed them before. A couple of times now I have seen the number go down when I do so.
More background (not entirely relevant to the problem) :
When I first I did not always Kudo stuff when I first found this site, at first I was not registered & then I wasn't sure what exactly kudos meant, that is what standard to apply. I have since decided how ever other may use them I will give one for any story I enjoy regardless of what standards others apply. Also at times in the past I could not tell if a kudo registered, I do know at lest a few failed because the site wen down while i was reading. I therefore have been clicking them when re-reading stories I liked. I assumed it was safe and would not add an extra one of I already kudoed it, but would add it if i somehow missed it.
Continued detailed explanation:
Most of the time I see no change in number I probably already kudoed that one in the past, a few I have seen go up. But I then thought I saw one go down. I have since been watching it carefully when I do so and just saw another on go down instead of up.* Clicking it again after that seemed to do nothing one way or the other.
I am now not sure if I should or should not click them if I'm not sure if I clicked it or got one to register in the past.
Should I continue to click them or not?
~Hypatia >i<
* The one I am sure of was ("Masks" Chapter 13 by Bailey Summers).
Like Kudos ThumbsUp
If it is programmed as the Facebook 'Like' you might be removing your previously given Kudos?
Rhona McCloud
Except that,
on most it did not change either way, for the ones that went down it would not go back up again after and a few went up, probably the one I actually did miss the first time around. Plus on new likes it does not go back down on a second click. So it is not acting consistently.
Kudos counts
If you look at the little graphic, it states something like "nn users have voted". If you have already clicked the link in the past, it should read "nn users have voted, including you".
I infer from this that the system keeps a note who you have kudoed/voted for in the past. In the past, also, you were never permitted to vote for your own stories, which seems fair enough. I'm not sure the new system makes that distinction.
Obviously vote counts should never ever go down and this should be considered a bug.
The new system...
Will let you vote for your own stories, and tells you that you have in your counts. I tried it on Athena's Wisdom #1 just to see.
~And so it goes...