A few years ago I served on a panel charged with finding answers to governmental funding problems. Our task force met twice a week for six weeks. We started out with brain-storming sessions in which we were challenged to bring forth ideas, with no limitations. People opened up and presented “off-the-wall” ideas that seemed to have a glimmer of validity when backed by arguments.
The moderator then informed us that we didn’t have time to consider everything so we moved forward by “consensus” on each idea. Obviously, status quo had a huge advantage in such a scenario and in the end what our panel produced as an end result was the kind of weak gruel we’re fed on a daily basis by federal, state, and local governments.
BCTS has been, for some time, engaged in a steady march toward the same dynamic.
Every time the madding crowd on this board writes a comment that demeans a certain kind of content, we move one step further toward formulaic fiction. None of us can totally withstand public pressure. Even though we adamantly oppose the viewpoints expressed, we will change to fit in.
Yesterday I checked my stars list. That is how I check for new comments on my stories. Someone left a thoughtful comment on a story I had posted some time ago. She said it was a good read. I noticed someone had recently given me one star on that story and assumed it was her.
I sent her a PM asking why she had given me one star, if the story was “a good read” — her response indicated her rating was due to the content.
If you want to read the same story over and over again, why don’t you find a story you like and do just that? This board is a place for people to post their fiction — people post for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons are therapeutic. Your comments are powerful and can be hurtful. People will adjust and that will mean fewer choices in what is offered and less chances taken by the authors. Do you really want every author writing about the same subject matter and following a pat script?
One reason for the contests...
...to serve as challenges to the authors. :)
But I've also got a forum topic for Writers' Challenge, maybe something more can be done with that to keep us from falling into happy little rutlings. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
A fine line
There is a fine line between honest commentary and pressure to comform.
About the best I can sugest is to be creative as a writer but be polite in commenting. By all means do comment even if you don't like a story but be honest in stating why. But do keep the more critacal stuff as a PM to avoid inciting a flame.
We don't shout fire in a crowded theater and that's not infringing on freedom of speach.
Somewhere's a stable balance between unfettered speach and reasonable politeness. Damned if I know exactly where it is.
Remember BC is not a public speakers corner in a park, it is *private* property -- Erin's -- so we have to be somewhat more restrained than otherwise.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
A question of taste
Nothing will appeal to all. Some will, more than another. Which is better? Will a comment or more than one cause a writer to self censor? I sort of doubt it.
Anyone that writes does so for a lot of reasons. Part of it will be acceptance. But it will usually not be the whole thing. The majority will do it for themselves first. That others enjoy or appreciate it is a bonus and certainly to be relished. But it aint the whole deal. Should you start writing for others first then it is time to give up..unless maybe your making a LOT of money. Few here can claim that I suspect. Oh dear does that make me a potential whore? Ask me again after the first few million. The answer might differ then. But then something about flying pigs is just as likely, perhaps more so.
Almost anyone can write and post. Some will be objcetively better, some will not appeal, all is worthy of respect for the effort. Help is available should it be sought or wanted. But writing by committee is not likely to be any more effective than your meetings. None of us is perfect and I don't think anyone is a multi millionaire. But even they can post if they wish. It might be mediocre..but maybe they can get better. Can't we all.
Sounds more like a question of the courage of authors rather ...
Sounds more like a question of the courage of authors rather than a problem with the cleverness of commenters.
If comments here modify your choice of topic, then that is your choice, especially since the commenters represent a tiny portion of the readers.
Railing on about the community in the abstract is a touch fruitless. If one wishes to add diversity of ideas, write them. There are many who will read new things and enjoy them.
Communitarian contrasted with Individualist views
The essential tension of human society, well expressed on both sides.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.