The world (galaxy, universe) I used in Market Research is available for others if they wish.
The guidelines I would like folks to follow are:
The "Board of Trade" is generally protective of newly discovered populations and does its best to bring them into the whole system of trade on an equitable basis. This does not mean there aren't factions which try to exploit those new systems for their own benefit - think pirates or ronin. But the BoT as of whole believes they are the good guys.
I would appreciate no one using the Sue and Tom characters without my OK as to what you want to do to or with them. I'd rather not see Tom turned into a bimbo, sex-slave, unless, maybe it was a dream, or Sue really had this hidden desire to...
Those of you who write and post regularly don't need this, you create your own worlds and characters, although some might find it fun to play in someone else's sandbox.
My hope is that someone reading, who is thinking about trying to write for the first time, might use my world, or another that is made available here, as a starting point. Sometimes that may be the only germ you need.
If this is you, send me a Private Message or email me at jlwendelin at yahoo dot com.
Love and encouragement,