Why do you read TG fiction?

Hello all! I've been a lurker for quite a while, but finally found a good reason to post. See, I've been trying to figure out why I read trans fiction, and was hoping to open the question up to a larger discussion.

That is, I identify as a trans woman and am currently in the process of transitioning, and have been reading trans fiction (where gender changing is a major part of the plot) for years. Over the past couple of months, though, I've been trying to figure out what I get out of reading trans fiction, as part of some larger self-reflection. Here's the thoughts I've had so far:

-In general, trans fiction gives me characters with whom I can identify. Whether the transition/transformation/body swap/etc is voluntary or not, I can identify with someone who is A) in a body they don't understand and B) has to learn what it means to live as a woman.

-Going off of that, I'm interested in MTF trans fiction (which seems to make up the bulk of trans fiction) as the idea of struggling to 'figure out how to be a man' doesn't connect with my own experiences or desires. I'm more interested in reading about (and imagining myself as) a character figuring out how to get ready for the big ball than the big baseball game...

-Forced-feminization stories, where the main character is involuntarily changed from a man to a woman, feed into a fantasy about not having to deal with my own transition. That is, I've struggled long and hard with my identity as trans and with the choices I've made as part of my transition, and a part of me wishes I didn't have to figure everything out on my own; that someone else could take charge.

So. That's what I've come up with. I was hoping to open it up to a discussion, to see what thoughts any others had. There doesn't seem to be a ton of writing about trans fiction (at least, that I've been able to find) so I'm curious to see what you all have to say. Likewise, let me know if there's a similar discussion thread somewhere else.


PS - As I said, this is my first time posting, so I'm not sure what the 'Author' field is supposed to reflect. I chose 'New Author," but apologize if I should have picked something else.