I have no control...

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A I sit here in the garret of my castle high up in the mountains of Transyvania, I ran my tongue over my sharpened teeth and await for the night when I can go out and have a bite to eat.....

There I go again letting my characters take over. I start off with a good story idea and know roughly where I'm going with it and then my character, like a vampire in the night comes and takes a chunk out of my well laid plotand does their own thing and to hell with well laid plans.

How often do I do this and why do I let my characters get away with it?

I want to get back control over my characters but I am powerless. As I type I have no control...'No Samantha, you can't do that!'

A troubled Sue.


Wild Samantha

joannebarbarella's picture

The mind boggles. Out of control, she seeks out Nasty Nigel, rips the heart out of his chest bare-handed, devours it raw, belches and goes looking for his henchmen, not even pausing to wipe the gore away from her chin,

No, no!

Abby would not let her go about with gore dripping from her chin! And what would Lady F say? "Young gels these days, no manners. It's the schools, Labour Party all of them."


Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

Power to the characters!

I rely on my characters to take control. It makes an story teller's life so much easier. Just create them, drop them into a promising environment and let them get one with it. All you have to do then is chronicle their adventures/misadventures.

Then you just post it and reap the rewards. If any.

The trouble is stopping the bastards when one has tired of them.


Fleurie Fleurie


Drive a Steak Thru Miscreant Characters' Hearts

A frozen T-bone should be suitable.

Why is it we're always driving stakes? Can't we sometimes hammer them? Sledge them? Use a ball point pen to create a starter hole and then kick the damned things through the left ventricle,

Does one need a license to drive stakes? Cattle? People mad?

So you see Sue Brown -- characters aren't the only ones who don't play within the lines. In RL, or what passes for it, there are those scalawags who run roughshod over the thread topic. By the way, I assume "roughshod" is that horrible scraping when you neglect the heels of your feet and develop unsightly callouses to the point of making slipping on your boots a noisy task.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I'm quite alright with Steak

Andrea Lena's picture

A nice baked potato with sour cream and chives...maybe a salad to start off?

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Tutto il mio apprezzamento, cari, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


you have a story with a vampire character??

which one

Sue's vampire…

…appears in a story called Fancy A Bite? IIRC


“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.



“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.

putting the trans in transylvania

laika's picture

I would love to see FANCY A BITE continued! It was such a great start. A series might cut into time being spent writing CHANGES and FOOTBALL GIRL, two series' I love, but maybe a short sequel for the Halloween contest, Jessica's further adventures in being a vampire. Like what if she got home and the fluence spell on her parents wasn't in effect yet? And what is this vampire school? Maybe it's an online school, or something surprisingly modern about it that would keep it from being a Hogwarts rehash? And then there's this whole Shazam-you're-a-girl-now thing & having to deal with that, and whatever relationship develops between Jessica and Clarissa. And turning into a bat? Too much fun! Oh well, here's hoping, and if not I've got two very entertaining Sue Brown stories to scan the front page for as I come here each day.
~~hugs, Laika the Lycanthrope.

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)



sorry. it doesn't work. Please ignore this. I can't figure out how to delete it.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,