Adding Images to posts

I've added a snazzy new image and file link capability, you'll see a new line under the Body tag. This new line will say: Insert |image| or |link|.

The vertical bars aren't really there, they just represent that those words are links. The second may say |file| instead of |link|.

The first time you press one of those links, you'll see a pop-up screen divided in half. You have to have popups turned on in your browser for this to work. The upper half will say, "This directory is Empty."

The lower half will say: "Such and such directory has been created." Three times. These directories are for you individually and each will hold a large amount of files. The first is "something/or/other/#/" where # is your user number here at BCTS. The other two are ".../#/files/" and ".../#/images/".

There's a scrolling choice at the top of the lower window to choose which directory is active and shown in the upper window. In some browsers, this scrolling choice does not appear and you have access to only one directory. Sorry about that.

At the bottom of the lower window is some information and buttons for choosing a file from your local hard drive, uploading the file to the active window and scaling an image to a desirable size. You can have a thumbnail created automatically or have a new version of a file you've already uploaded copied at a different size. A preview of images uploaded or selected in the upper window will appear in the lower window.

Besides gif, jpg, and png graphics, you can also upload txt, pdf and rtf files. I would put images into the /#/images directory and other files into the /#files/ directory and save the /#/ directory for if I ran out of room in either of the othr two.

Once you've uploaded an image, you can add it with an automatic HTML image tag at the cursor position by hitting the |add| link at the end of the file listing in the upper window.


Using the |link| tab back on your main editing page and then the |add| selection at the right end of the file listing adds a link to the file:

BimboShoes (26.51 KB)

Clear? :)

To start with, I'm allowing files of no larger than 200k and directories of 5M. You get three directories so that's 15M total. If you need it, I can add a directory for you. If someone really needs it, I can allow bigger files for them.

Ask questions here instead of in PMs so everyone can see the answers, cause I expect there to be problems. :)
