I've added a snazzy new image and file link capability, you'll see a new line under the Body tag. This new line will say: Insert |image| or |link|.
The vertical bars aren't really there, they just represent that those words are links. The second may say |file| instead of |link|.
The first time you press one of those links, you'll see a pop-up screen divided in half. You have to have popups turned on in your browser for this to work. The upper half will say, "This directory is Empty."
The lower half will say: "Such and such directory has been created." Three times. These directories are for you individually and each will hold a large amount of files. The first is "something/or/other/#/" where # is your user number here at BCTS. The other two are ".../#/files/" and ".../#/images/".
There's a scrolling choice at the top of the lower window to choose which directory is active and shown in the upper window. In some browsers, this scrolling choice does not appear and you have access to only one directory. Sorry about that.
At the bottom of the lower window is some information and buttons for choosing a file from your local hard drive, uploading the file to the active window and scaling an image to a desirable size. You can have a thumbnail created automatically or have a new version of a file you've already uploaded copied at a different size. A preview of images uploaded or selected in the upper window will appear in the lower window.
Besides gif, jpg, and png graphics, you can also upload txt, pdf and rtf files. I would put images into the /#/images directory and other files into the /#files/ directory and save the /#/ directory for if I ran out of room in either of the othr two.
Once you've uploaded an image, you can add it with an automatic HTML image tag at the cursor position by hitting the |add| link at the end of the file listing in the upper window.
Using the |link| tab back on your main editing page and then the |add| selection at the right end of the file listing adds a link to the file:
Clear? :)
To start with, I'm allowing files of no larger than 200k and directories of 5M. You get three directories so that's 15M total. If you need it, I can add a directory for you. If someone really needs it, I can allow bigger files for them.
Ask questions here instead of in PMs so everyone can see the answers, cause I expect there to be problems. :)
Does this mean the old gallery is gone?
I noted many of the pics for Gwennie's stories were missing. I haven't checked mine since I used it foer pics for "Sister Suffragette's" The old system of just using left pointing arrow img src=URL left pointing arrow to insert pics seems simpler than what you've described, but then I'm computer illiterate and didn't understand half of that. Is your system turned on for me? If I have a user #, I don't know it.
Hugs, Jez
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Gallery is still there and all the old ways of doing pics still work. Some of the old stories have broken pix now because the directory structure is different but using <img src="URL"> still works because that's what this new method does, automates putting those in for you.
I've turned this on for you, Jezzi. Don't worry about knowing your user number, if you're signed in you don;t need to know it, it just uses the right file directory for you.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Size matters.
Well, thanks Erin. You have been perfectly obscure. Let me expose my ignorance and confusion completely?
First, how do these *.Pdf files differ from those one might attach when publishing? I am very fond of that Acrobat way to incorporate images and not loose them when the directory structure changes.
Second, what gets turned on and where is the image uploaded to? What became of the old gallery stuff? I mean what you have sounds slick but are the galleries no longer accessible to ad images?
Third, I don't understand how that directory structure works. Do you put text into one and images another? Can you paste images from one into a story when publishing as html code?
While I applaud upgrades I hope this is something I can keep up with. :)
Gwen Lavyril
Gwen Lavyril
Attaching files
These .pdf files are simply uploaded to a different place and the link to them is inside the body of the message instead of being below it. The other methods of attaching files still work.
I've turned this on for you. It's like turning on author status, I've told the software that you are allowed to use this capability.
The gallery is still there.
The directory structure is like three boxes, you can put whatever you like into them, I made a suggestion. Yes, you can paste images from one of them, any one of them, into a story that you are inputting into the body field of the form here.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks Erin,
I will work on it. Appreciate all your great efforts!
Gwen Lavyril
Gwen Lavyril
Can't upload images
I've just uploaded my first story!
But I couldn't see the link anywhere to include images and I spent some little time making a nice image to go with it.
PLease help.
Many thanks
Authors and images
You have to have author permissions to upload images. You get author permissions by posting your first story. I'll upgrade your account then you will also be able to edit things you've already posted so you can go back and add the image. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Authors and images
Thanks Erin,
I'm not a prolific writer at all, but you're all so welcoming here I'll have to try to write something else.
Thanks for your help and the upgrade.
Best wishes,
FAQ input question
Hi Erin
I just did a very minor update to my story Joanna which included an added link to an rtf file. I cannot see anyway to delete the old Word doc file that I originally attached to give the translations. Just me bein' dumb most likely, but...
I delisted the link to the .doc
It's still attached but it doesn't show in the story. :) RTFs are safer.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
RTFs and DOCs
Both file formats were developed by Microsoft, which pretty much guarantees that they're inherently unsafe. In particular, RTFs can be made to run unsafe macros, just like Word DOCs, if Word is the default application which opens them.
If you *don't* have Word installed, they're moderately safe, but they're *still* from Microsoft.
Best wishes with both...
OpenOffice.org Writer
I use OpenOffice.org Writer, it's safer and portable (run on a USB drive).
Save me from my stupidity - URGENT
I thought I would post a small illustration with the teaser for a new posting. But I cannot understand how to do it. It is beyond my feeble understanding.
Please can anyone help? I have an illustration which is currently on an Open Office odg format. It defies all my, admittedly pathetic, efforts to persuade it to migrate to the space intended.
Please? Step by tiny step. In language even I can understand. Please?
P.S. It's a jolly good story and is of considerable literary interest as marking my ascent into the realms of Science Fiction.
P.P.S. If that doesn't put you off then I don't know what will.
I'm wondering too :)
I'm wondering too :)
But I looked at the one jpg you have in your post. It's located at
And that should be the place (I guess) where all those pictures you want to 'refer' to should be placed at. That should be http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/system/files/u2194/ *and here you put it*
You might also need to convert your open office format *.odg into a *.jpg. That means changing its format from a odg picture to a jpg picture, before uploading them to BigCloset and your 'storage' for images.
I would expect http://www.irfanview.com/ to be able to help you with that. It's free and very nice. You can also look for 'plugins' to it there. Just add them by clicking on their 'exe' files, after you installed irfanview nota bene.
And then I suppose you will have to link it. And there I'm not sure. But if we look at your pictures 'address' and then say that your new picture after you converted will be named 'my_illustration.jpg' instead of my_illustration.odg, then the 'link address' to it should be
Which you then should place in your text before that 'delimiter' that breaks your 'tease' from the rest of the text you're writing, and that you will have to do every time you write a new part.
I'm guessing here of course but it seems like the right thing to do. But I would like someone that already knows this to explain it.
I am totally lost
i have no problems resizing images or posting them on other forum software. But not sure where to begin here,
Resize to 300x?
then what?