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Edeyn I will be posting with regularity and participating in stuff here again soon. I promise. By Thanksgiving at the latest. Since Dad died in April of 2006, things have been in an uproar in my life... and they've never really been what you could call stable. I'll even try to explain all of what happened to all of you that have been faithful in upcoming months.

But for now, the first step in making everything better has been completed today...

I received my very first U.S. Passport in the mail today.

I know, right?

This means more to me than most of you know... I'll soon be redoing everything of mine on here. Continuing everything, tying up loose ends, and such.

Also... I've not had a regular game since April of 2005. Running or playing. That's one month for every card in a standard deck of playing cards (with Jokers). So, I'm working on fixing THAT, too!

I will be covering a lot of stuff. Hopefully the disastrous incident from the end of June/beginning of July will end up with a positive (if not happy) ending.

So. Those of you who were worried about me, thanks... I'm not going to say there was no reason to worry, but rest assured that things have been slowly getting better.

I finally found someone that accepts everything (yes, EVERYTHING) about me last year... we began talking and made friends in August of 2008... and we had our first... "date" over Skype starting at 6:32pm (Central U.S. time) 14th October, 2008. So. A little less than 24 hours short of a year ago! It's already the 14th there in Australia, so when we talk tonight, it's on an anniversary of sorts! We finally met in person on 2nd December of 2008, and it was as wonderful as we had both KNEW it would be. She spent from then until mid-February here with me.

I have a Passport now.

As soon as all my ducks are in a row, I'm going over there. Hopefully for the maximum the visa will allow (one year). This means, I'll have to have my school books for the time I'll be gone, as well as other considerations... my current roommate is a very sweet young lady that has graciously offered to stow/store my belongings while I'm away -- for the low low price of access to my books (reading and gaming) and such while I'm gone. This would include my gaming systems other than my DS (PS1, XBox, GameCube), which is going with me.

I am, without a doubt, completely and totally twitterpated.

Those of you that have known me for a long time will remember up to three romances in my life... this outclasses them ALL. No, I'm not kidding. She sees inside me in a way that no one else ever has. My family -- my conservative, redneck, Ozarks, fundamentalist religious right, family that won't accept me completely even after all these years -- abso-frickin'-tively posilutely LOVE her. How could they not?

And I've met her Mum through Skype... she's very sweet and excited to be meeting me in person soon.

That's enough for now... as I said, in the near-ish future, I'll be here with more regularity.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...


Edeyn, I have no knowledge

KristineRead's picture


I have no knowledge of the things you have been going through, other than that you have had a rough time of late. You have been missed here, and my thoughts are with you, and looking forward to your return.

I wish you all the joy and happiness that you could possibly desire, and that all works out positively for you moving forward.



Way to go

Edeyn. You're doing the right thing going down under. After meeting your very special friend and having coffee with you and her, there's no doubt a year won't be long enough. Congratulations and enjoy your trip, Arecee

You are part of a tiny minority

Heather Rose wasn't the only one from here to meet her! Though Erin and Rasufelle have talked to her over Skype, so that brings the grand total of those from here with any kind of contact with her to 5 including me.