John W. TGIFridays

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John of course I know what TGIFridays means: Transgendered Influenced Fridays. At my school it was like Mixed up Mondays, which was a little hard to swallow in the Bible thumping deep south. It was started after the cheerleaders kicked the Butt of the school football team at flag football 31-12 (our football team won three games in six years. Unfortunately this is true.). The coach actually tried to recruit the cheerleaders, they refused to play for such a sorry team. Anyways for the rest of the year the football team had to wear dresses to school on Friday. Any players who didn't voluntarily dress up had to answer to the award winning ROTC corp.


Oh no, Paula ...

you mean they were at the mercy of the Rectal Ora... Yuck!

Ack! Now you have me doing it.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. Don't hit me!

John in Wauwatosa