Real Life? Sounds familiar...

I think I'm going to be forced to take a break from posting stories here for a while. No, I'm not leaving, but the list of things that need doing has gotten unmanageable.

I'll still be checking in here at least twice a day, but stories will have to wait. On the other hand, I might actually find time to read some of everyone else's for a change.

Now the autumn/fall is here, I find I have two sheds to paint, and the fence if the weather is good enough, aside from all the usual tidying up. There's also a hideous bramble that sends out thorned tentacles which I've been fighting off for years, I'll see if I can clear some of that (it's a pity that napalm isn't legal here). Gardening to me is something that aliens do. I do the minimum allowable to not get shouted at by the neighbours, health permitting (mine, not theirs).

I am also the family seamstress, and I have a number of items awaiting design and construction including skirts, a jacket and one, possibly two corsets. Yes, I can do these things, I used to make my own school blazers (mumble) years ago.

I also have a major OS upgrade pending on my two servers, followed by an upgrade of my mythtv system and the terminal server software I'm using to type this on, so I'll be busy with those if I can find the time :)

Stories: I have two ideas for "Daughters of Time" stories, one set in WWII and the other Victorian. I have one or two other possible ideas, including one involving Clare Bennett. I will also be uploading more Marion & Belle, but the frequency will be a great deal slower than previously. Needless to say, my brain won't stop thinking up things just because I'm painting or sewing.

Of course, part of the reason for this logjam of "things to do" is my indifferent health. I am sufficiently unhealthy to be unemployable, but that means that although I have the time I can't do things at home as much as I'd like to. Fortunately, sitting at a screen involves little physical effort, but that in turn reduces my fitness. And before you say it, I'm actually underweight and have a fairly healthy diet.

So, to conclude, I'll still be here reading and commenting, and there may be some good things appearing probably around the end of the year.


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