I cut my bangs bymyself today, and screwed it all up, to such a point I hid the shame by taking my raizer and shaved off the stubs of my bangs. It was my first time ever doing it bymyself, mum usually performs that task on me.
Never went to any form of hair establishment since i was 7. scared and excited, don't know what to do. Some sites say grow them out but hide them though is difficult. other sites say cut all hair to length with the bangs bad idea, as i have finally for the first time in my life besides having my bangs cut been able not to have my hair cut.
My depression is shaken by all of this and worried dearly, I have cried many times today. I look like an idiot and feel like it if not worse.
Please keep in moind i have yet to start my RLT, even though most of everyone knows about me being transgender including my bosses and few coworkers, unfortunitly one found out by gossip, and threatened me. So im even more in difficulty, but anyhow please if anyone has any advice etc, on how to best handle this, please, please share it will bring me the most comfort in this time.
Yours pleadingly,
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Not an expert at all on hair but ...
One, see a hair stylist you trust if you can afford it.
An expert may know tricks to even things out and keep you looking good. At a minimum look at several fashion magazines or something like that to get ideas for a shorter style that suits your face.
Plus there is always wigs, extensions or those clip on hair things my sister sometimes uses. Remember hair grows back so in some few months time the damage will not be noticable anymore
But then I am rather bald so what do I know? Sorry you feel bad, I am not taking your situation lightly as appearance can be so important and is such a part of ones identity/body image.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Have been following your story The Girl in Me and hope you post more.
John in Wauwatosa
Thanks hun
greatly appreciated, was thinking extentions once they grow out to about a half inch. Wigs unfortunitly, but in a small sense fortunitely I made a promis to myself, that I would never use wigs. Kind of worked out as I do have the nicest hair and been told so, then the rest of the kilgour woman in my family, which are my mums side of the family.
been working on The Girl in me, for over a month just dont havit in proper rythem and some isnt written in it yet, many ideas and sceranrios not sure when itll be installed, hope soon was hoping last weekend but it didnt work out, my muse is playing hide and seek and im the lazy seeker latrely lol.
Thanks much
Erin Amelia Fletcher
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Dearest Erin
As you can imagine, my image below is not one of my own, but rather an image of whom I wish to be perceived. She's smiling, but imagine she's looking at you and thinking; I don't care what others think; I like Erin. I'm so glad she's my friend, and I wish others the blessing of coming to know her as well. She's special to me, and I hope she discovers what a lovely girl she truly is. I've never been in your position, and I'm sorry I can't offer any advice, but I do send my love and affection. Sei un tesoro, miei cari
Love, Andrea Lena
Hi there. Whenever I've done something (been something) that someone threatened to expose me if I didn't do something else... I've always exposed myself. I find the shame/risk lower than postponing things.
This is not to say it has been less painful... I might have survived the blackmail... but I've always chosen the short term pain for the long term anxiety. When I can't sleep with worry... I tattle on myself.
As for your bangs or 'fringe' one soln is to have a friend deliberately singe your hair and tell everyone you got TOO close to a flame which went woosh on you. You're lucky not to be burned but isn't funny how my hair only got singed in the front. You were very lucky your whole head didn't go WOOSH too!!!
Whatever you decide,
Good luck.
Erin, You Could
Tell others that somebody did it, but not tell who, and go to a barber to get your hair restyled. Since you are going into a RLT, get a unisex hair cut. You can always get a wig. I wish you LUCK.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
My cousin burned off her bangs...and her eyelashes and eyebrows when lighting an old gas stove while getting ready to go to school. The look on her face was priceless! We all laughed 'til we couldn't stand up! She joined in, after she got over the shock. She fixed herself up and didn't really look too weird at all! Her hair grew back (like it always does)and nobody really noticed after a few days.
Don't worry about it, it'll come back!
Bangs don't look good on people over 12 anyway.
Mr. Ram
Thanks all
This all means so much to me, great ideas too eh :) I will take into account all of these advices.
Thanks again
Erin Amelia Fletcher
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Bad bangs cuts
I remember the first time I cut my own bangs I botched it pretty bad. Of course I was only 5 years old at the time and not fully realizing what the differences were between and boys and girls, I just knew I was supposed to look like the girls and tried to cut my hair to look like theirs. I had school pictures that same day and my botched hair cut has forever been immortalized. Although to look at my smile in the picture I think I was pretty happy that I had least tried to look girly, even if it failed miserably.
And I think I have to disagree with that statement from Mr. Ram that bangs don’t look on people over 12 years old. I've been living full time since 2002 and have grown my hair down to about 5 inches above my butt. Last summer I had bangs, and I’ve been growing them out again. Recently I got so tired of having my hair naturally fall into my mouth when I leaned forward that I cut them down again.
Anyway immediately after doing it, I had to go to work. I had several people comment on my looks that day. One came up to me and said that I look really good with bangs. Another asked me if I had always worn glasses, because she knew there was something different but couldn't put a finger on it. The next day I had another person just walk up to me at random and tell me I looked really good with bangs.
None of these people know of my history except my manager and she also complemented me on my bangs.
Oh, and for the record I'm 36 (of course I get told I look like I'm in my early twenties by almost everyone).