Variety adds spice to life. When I was in high school, I once had a summer job working on my uncle's farm. One of my chores was to take care of the chickens. I quickly noticed this one chicken walking around all by itself outside the fence of the chicken coop. I asked my uncle about this and he said watch. He picked up the chicken and carried it inside the coop and set it down. It squatted down on the ground while all the other chickens ran up to it and started pecking it in the head. My uncle then picked it up and carried it outside and let it go. He told me that if he left it in the coop the other chickens would kill it. I've thought much on this over the years, and the only conclusion I could come to, was that the other chickens felt threatened by that one chicken because it was somehow different than they were.
I am sure with the chickens it was a matter of biology, but humans act the same way. They are constantly trying to force others to be the same as they are, or they drive them out of their group. I always thought that a persecuted group such as yourselves would have learned tolerance. I was wrong.
'Fraid not, Argor
As you have seen, the only differnce between the people here and the world in general is which prejudices we hold. There are as many ignorant bigots and smug asses here as in any other forum. And if anybody wants to take a personal affront at that statement, don't flatter yourself.
I think it is partially a matter of biology with H. Sapiens also. It's just that we are capable of doing better, but choose not to. None of us are Mother Theressas, and we will most likely continue in our intolerant ways.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb