...regrettably. Especially regrettably since I have emptied the buffers of both "State" and Daughters".
I'm working on what will be the last part of the current arc of "State"*, and I might be able to post that by the week-end. "Daughters" is mostly complete in my head, but given my physical/mental condition that will have to wait.
Briefly, I'm afflicted by a kind of intermittent narcolepsy at the moment. I just want to be asleep all the time. No, I do not feel tired, just sleepy. It means that I'm reluctant to lay down any story text because I know it will likely suck and I'll have to rewrite it.
Fortunately, this isn't a 24/7 thing so there are times when I'm (allegedly) lucid, and I'll try and look in to BCTS when I'm in that state. Judging by previous episodes, this shouldn't last too long and then I'll be back to normal/struck down with something else that won't leave me mentally impaired.
What I was actually diagnosed with, two years ago, was Fibromyalgia, although the symptoms I have only very roughly overlap those of that disease. Still, it's about as accurate a label as anything else. I will tell all in a future blog if I remember.
Thanking you all for your patience,
* There's plenty more to write about Marion. Shepherd training, B Deck, and parties with the other Shepherds amongst other things.
My wife goes to a good fibro
My wife goes to a good fibro doctor. You and others may be aware of this, but fibromyalgia is linked in a continuum of ailments which also include chronic fatigue syndrome and others. Lots of great websites that deal with this. You are one tough cookie as my mother used to say since you are dealing with a very debilitating affliction. Having tried to help my wife through this for nearly ten years (she's one of seven sisters, of whom five have all or some of the same ailments in this continuum), I know you are going through hell. The stories will gain even more appreciation by us if we remember what you are dealing with in the midst of creating them. Please rest assured that we can wait in wondrous anticipation as you recover. All my prayers for your health and happiness!
"She was born for all the wrong reasons but she grew up for all the right ones." Dio ti benedicta! 'drea
Love, Andrea Lena
Has your doctor given you
Has your doctor given you anything for it? I was having the same problem a few years ago, and was given a prescription that takes care of the worst of it. It still catches up with me from time to time, but mostly I'm fine. I tried going off of it once to see if the problem remained, but alas it did! :( Anyway, just a thought, and I hope you're feeling better soon. I'm looking forward to more State and Daughters, too!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Quack Meds
Yeah, my GP went through the usual research for this "syndrome" and tried to prescribe me things to alleviate the worst effects.
First off was Amitryptilene. That turned me into a Zombie until about 5pm every day, until I figured out I had to (i) take the tablets at least 1/2 hour before food, (ii) take the last one no later than 7pm. All in all, the side effects were worse than the symptoms, so he then switched me to...
Venlafaxine, which was so bad I had to come off them straight away. So then there was...
Gabapentin. I took these for a long while, ramping the dose up to 3 x 900mg per day. After a while I noticed that my symptoms came back, so with my doctor's consent, I started playing about with the dosage. I eventually realised that I was adapting to whatever dose I tried, so that after a while it basically did nothing.
That being the case, I ramped down and have now been drug-free for about a year. I wasn't particularly keen on the idea of taking huge quantities of pills that essentially wrapped my brain in cotton wool for the rest of my life, especially if they didn't (seem to) do much. Bonus side effect: I can now have the occasional beer when I feel like it.
Fun times. While I was going through the above rigmarole, and being basically out of work for the rest of my life, I decided to "come out" properly, and this included my doctor. Bad move... I got to see several psychologists and sex therapists, etc. although they were all without exception supportive and gave positive advice. Go NHS! Most, unfortunately, assumed that my TG-ness had to be the cause of my physical symptoms. Not impossible, but not guaranteed either. It's written nowhere that a human has to only have one thing wrong with them at a time.
I'm not entirely sure that what I have fits into any well-known syndrome or disease, but the label is useful when talking to outsiders. I'm gathering that what's wrong with me is mostly in my (physical) brain. It doesn't seem to be affecting my intellect that much except when I get the sleepy sessions. Oh, and when my arms catch fire. Oh, and when my bones freeze...
Seems to me that half the people on this board have something wrong with them. I know there are lots of you much worse off than I am.
Thank you for your concern, and I'll try and do my best!
It really does sound like you are trapped behind a wall of quacks. ._. Hope you feel better soon and for a good long while yet!
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
If it helps any, the stuff
If it helps any, the stuff they gave me is Buproprion. I don't have any noticeable side effects from it like you describe. I doubt I'd take those you were given if I had those side effects, either. I was also told I had fibromyalgia, though another doctor later disagreed. Things like fibromyalgia seem to be just blanket terms for a bunch of different symptoms they don't know the cause of. Another words, they don't have a clue! ;)
We do seem to be an awfully unhealthy lot, don't we? Hope you feel better soon!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America