World Of Warcraft

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I saw this article at Yahoo! And since there are gamers, here, I thought that everybody should know.


Very Exciting

Lol yes! I'm actually very excited for this new expansion! It's gonna be *so* awesome! I first saw this on Friday and the trailer totally blew me away. I'm a little annoyed that the goblins aren't joining the horde at full power... it seems every time a race joins the horde they're broken and on the verge of extinction. I also can't believe that Thrall is stepping down as War chief and Cairne Bloodhoof is going to die!! I loved him! All that seems to have happened to the alliance is they lost South Shore... favoritism much blizzard? But hey, how can I enjoy a new expansion without complaining just a little? =D

City of Heroes TG Expansion

erin's picture

The big Supers MMORPG is planning a new expansion, too. There's will add even more customization to the best customization engine in MMORPGs -- you'll be able to design characters that change gender. :) And CoH has three genders. LOL. Male, Female and Huge. Yes, buildings in the game often have three doors for bathrooms.

I frequently play COH with my friends in Australia, when it's 1am here it's 5pm there.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Cryptic has done a pretty

Cryptic has done a pretty good job with the customization of characters in Champions Online, as well. No gender morphing yet, that I've found in beta so far anyway.

Cryptic and COH

erin's picture

Yeah, well Cryptic are the guys who designed COH once upon a time, too. :) So, I think the games will have a family resemblance of some sort. But Champions doesn't run on Macs and my PC laptop is a dog at gaming. Still, I'll probably give it a try someday.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Never understood

Angharad's picture

what the attraction is, perhaps you don't own bicycles?

Angharad :)


I don't. >.<

I wish I did, but I can't afford even a second-hand one.

Of course, I can't afford a computer better than Idiot-Lappy here, which can't run those games anyway. ^^;

Oh, well.



Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"

I caught the RPG bug about

I caught the RPG bug about the same time I caught the computer bug, which was back in those days when loading a game on a computer took time to get it off that cassette tape. For me, its the fun of telling or participating in an interactive story that is bigger than one brain... and while I've spent lots of time playing them, I've spent lots of time writing content and programming for them as well. I do enjoy telling stories in oral and written forms... but what I really want to do is tell them in virtual world format. It might just be possible someday sooner than we know. :)

Never forget

The dress up doll factor in gaming. LOL! Here is an image you dress up and even design their outfits. Each game is a little different but the Champion's Online game is said to be able to do a lot with that. I had not heard about the gender morphing thing for COH but since funding for my gaming habit is worse than the current economy, I'll have wait until it hits the bargain bin at the Close-out story. :)
Even worse Game companies are figuring out that people really like being able to play dress up and are sneaking in extras that you have to dish out more money for. After all it doesn't affect play balance and you don't have to have it to play. However that doesn't help those of us who plays the damn things for the the doll factor to begin with. LOL




erin's picture

The doll factor is actual the biggest reason I prefer COH to WOW. In WoW how your character looks and what her clothing is have less control, major less control. There are other factors, too. CoH is just my favored game and I've cancelled my Wow subscription.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Piper's picture

I've never played CoH, nor have I played WoW, but I did fall for GuildWars no matter how much I initially wanted to stay away from it.

I have traditionally been a FPS type of gamer... I loved DOOM, Quake, Unreal, etc...

When a friend got a taste of GW from a friend, and then got her own account, she proceeded to try to get Kim and I to play...

I resisted for a while, but Kim gave in. Once Kim gave in it wasn't long till I wanted to join in on the fun also.

We used to gather on Skype, the four of us in our own little guild, and do missions together, or sometimes just chat via skype whilst all off doing our own thing.

Sure we could chat anytime whilst doing anything, but GW always seemed to be our hub.

Kim is gone, but the other 3 of us still play GW from time to time. Not as often as before, but sometimes RL is just too tough to fight off...

One of the things I like about GW, and the upcoming GW2, is that you only pay once for the game or expansion packs... You don't have to pay a monthly fee.. As such, even Kim's characters still live on/exist even if they don't get played.

N-E-Ways, not sure why I'm posting this here and not on my own blog, but it seemed like it fit, and helped me feel better near the end of a REALLY crappy day.

-Kirstyn Amanda Fox/Piper

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

That's the reason!

Why I played Guild Wars for a while. No monthly fees and you can do most of the quests by yourself. I don't play much anymore because each quest takes so long to complete. There are enough things to distract me from writing as it is. I find that if I need a break to go kill things Diablo II/Expansion works just fine. Murder some hapless demons and undead and I'm good to go. The problem is Diablo doesn't have much of a doll factor. GW is better and I really wish it had more of a Diablo like play factor. It is still fun but the max level 20 thing bugs me.

Thanks for bringing up GW Piper!

