About me...

I've often vowed never to start a blog, as I'm sure I wouldn't find enough "stuff" to fill it with, let alone make it interesting enough to avoid curing insomnia. However, I'm willing to give (almost!) anything a try, so here goes nothing...

By now you're probably wondering who the heck this strange creature which suddenly invaded the comments of several BCTS stories a few weeks ago is. If not, click back and find something more interesting to read.

Still here? OK then, I suppose I'd better scribble something down...if only to convince you that your time would have been better spend clicking Back...

As you might have gathered by my more recent comments, my name's actually Ben (well, Benjamin if you insist on being all formal and proper), I'm 32 years old, and currently live in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, UK.

I'm a self-confessed geek (put it this way, my computer's running Linux!), so understandably am interested in science and technology. However, I'm not a tech fetishist - I'm not the kind of person who simply *must* have the latest gadgets, besides which, I couldn't afford them even if I wanted them!  £300 for a mobile phone? No thanks! My  £50 phone's perfectly OK for my needs (especially as it only cost me  £12.50 courtesy of a loyalty discount by my network operator!)

Anyway, enough about technology - I also like classical music, enjoying the countryside, and BBC Radio 4. I don't like clubbing, drinking much alcohol (besides which, as I usually drive to socials, I won't!), pop music, sport, or "celebrity culture" (whatever that is!).

As if that wasn't a strange enough set of likes/dislikes, I've also attended three weekend socials run by the nearest thing Radio 4's PM programme has to a fanclub. Unsurprisingly those of us attending these socials don't generally mention it to others... "I'm spending the weekend with some random people I met on an internet blog". We also composed and recorded this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfbpx2Aa0Qo

(For those outside the UK, PM is a drivetime news magazine show - albeit one whose blog has taken on a life of its own - to the extent of spawning a spin-off programme called iPM...)

So, if any authors are reading this, take comfort in the fact that even your wilder characters probably have a higher degree of sanity than me...

Righteo, before I bore you too much, I suppose you may possibly be interested in the derivation of my nickname (mittfh). I've used it for practically all my online activities for the past 8+ years, and the only clues I'll give to its creation are that it stands for "Mad IT Tech From Hell", and is inspired by "The BOFH".

(Now let's see if anyone's been deluded enough to read this drivel - or is still awake enough to comment...)


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