I know, I know. I promised.
Well I still intend to hold fast on the promise too.
Second Sight will be on the way, but I fear it may have to wait as we now have a firm offer on the house and could be moving in as little as six weeks.
It may sound a lot, but believe me, over the eight years we have been here, we have accumulated so much stuff it's unreal.
There will have to be some major clearing out and guess who's going to be doing most of that? There'll be packing too and we also have to find somewhere to rent.
Oh, that's off the cards for now. I intend to get myself Microsloth Certified so that while we stay in the rented place - wherever that will be - I might actually be able to work. So after moving, I will actually have to be strict with my time and what I do with it.
Don't know whether I'll be able to play my drums at the new place either :(
So anyway, there you have it.
I'm excited, worried, shitting bricks, happy, apprehensive, but at the same time, very relieved.
I'm sorry for both of you who were maybe looking forward to the continued exploits of Darryl, but Real Life comes first.
Bovvered? Am I? Bloody right I am
2 huh?
Nick don't sell yourself or your stories so short. I think it's more like 2^8 readers of your stories, and even then I would say that's being conservative.
I've got my fingers crossed on the sale of your place. Good Luck.
Selling myself short
Yeah sorry, there are three of you.
I don't just look it, I'm totally evil
Three that wrote a comment
Yes only three that were brave enough to write a comment. Don't mistake comments or votes for actual popularity. Most readers never take the time to tell an author that their work is enjoyed or even appreciated.
Thank you for your wonderful stories and all of the work that goes into them Nick.
It's Great That You've Almost Sold Your House
It will allow you to go forward with your plans. Best wishes to you. Looking forward to more Second Sight when the time is right.
*counts comments*...
Yup. It's more than "both", alright. ^__^ *hugs*! I hope you're able to get things resolved quickly!
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Comments Do Count
I've said it before and I'll say it again, comments do matter to most writers, here and in the real world of bare knuckled publishing. They tell a writer when he and/or she is doing good, when they're wandering off the reservation, if they've confused the poor reader or made a real hollower of a mistake. Comments also spur on a writer's desire to keep writing, encouraging him, her or it to press on with a story when common sense and the need to tend to baser, physical needs otherwise demand their attention.
There are a thousand reasons that readers here do not comment and I think I've read most of them, so please spare me a detailed explanation. There is one good one for doing so, however. If you want the writers you enjoy to keep coming back and sharing their stories with you, for free, you, the reader should at least have the courtesy of saying 'huzzar,' or 'kill the bum.' While I would much prefer the former, at least by informing me that my talent is limited to producing carbon dioxide, I have a batter idea of how my stories are being received by you, the reading public.
Well, time to get off me soap box and get back to finding out what Diane is going to do now that Simone is back in town.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Thank you all
Okay, I stand corrected. It IS more than three.
I feel a bit of an idiot actually because I had got so used to things just bumbling along without much in the way of direction and the moment I say to myself, "Okay, enough is enough, now get back to work you slacker" - meaning with my stories, real life comes and bites my backside with large, sharp fangs.
Have I bitten off more than I can chew with trying to get people to visit F!, getting my HubPages up and running and participating in anthologies at The Authors Haunt?
Perhaps so, but a man's gotta have a hobby now hasn't he or he just sits around all day picking his nose,playing with himself and watching the TV.
Well. The house sale isn't definite until we exchange, but we have to treat it as such - with reservations and until we know, I have to get on and try and sort stuff out.
In the meantime, be well all of you and thank you for your support. If I can find the time to do stuff, I will and who knows,maybe there'll be a story finished before too long.
Fingers crossed.
I don't just look it, I'm totally evil
To be honest I think I count as at least three readers, Nick
Beyond the obvious Me, Myself and I, there is/are my muse/muses and various alter egos, Joanie being the most persisent and vexing. So that's at least four readers there alone.
So you plan to get microsoft --- um, the wife won't like THAT, oh Microsoft as in the coputer software people --- certified. So that means you will be part of a force for implacable evil in the world.
Written by me on a Vista laptop.
Bru ha ha ha ha!
John in Wasuwatosa
John in Wauwatosa