Hi everyone. Earlier today I posted a blog looking for help to find a authors stories. Andrea DiMaggio was nice enough to show me to the write webite for archived sites. I did not have any luck at first. I no longer had the write url for the lost website. Finaly, I poured through my histories on my computer and found the URl. I had tried it one last time before I deleted it from my favorites.
I went back to the archives site and found what I was looking for. I am so happy. I coppied all my favorite stories there. The only problem was that the last to chapters of one of the stories had not been archived. Oh well.
I urge everone to go to this site http://web.archive.org/web/20060501134955/uk.geocities.com/a...
Go and enjoy the wonderfull stories. Then do what I am going to do. I'm going to write to the author and urge her to post her stories here so that more people can enjoy them.
Thanks again Andrea.
Jessica Marie.
...the email address doesn't seem to be valid. Maybe amdemerel @ yahoo.co.uk will work
adress correction
Remove the spaces, It's [email protected]
Jessica Marie
When I copied the email address it came off with dots midline rather than periods. I don't know why the spaces showed up. Anyway, I sent an email. Leave off the wwww.
Had a stupid moment.
Jessica Marie
Ally DeMerel
I chat with Ally DeMerel from time to time, and I will tell her to check this thread next time I do :)
I really apriciate that. When I first saw that her site was down I was heart broken at the thought of never reading Dressing up again, or The Mage's Daughter. I sent her a email today. I hope she will consider posting her stuff to this site. I really think people would love her stories just as much as I do.
Jessica Marie
P.S. I really hope she forgives me for all the fuss I'm making.
ByeBye Geocities... It served the net for years....
Don't forget that ALL of geocities is closing October 28th, 2009... That's less than 3 months away (about a month and a half plus)... All those wonderful geocities hosed author sites that have just languished and not been updated for ages will more than likely just disappear, unless the authors decide to buy paid hosting from Yahoo, or move their site to another host (whether it's free or paid)...