I've been served with papers and need someone to advise me. Trans-friendly of course, sharp and thorough but preferably not out for blood. I'd know just who to go to if I lived in Penmarris Cove, but though I feel like it at times, I'm not a character in a Susan Brown tale.
Erin M. (justme)
The Transgendered Center For Law And Justice
You might find listings in your area at the Transgendered Center For Law And Justice website. I am not exactly sure what the exact web address is, but you could probably Google it. I hope this helps you.
Find out what the laws are first
I'm not familiar with the laws in Washinton state, but am with regards to California. I've been through two divorces and it cost me a bundle. Each time everything was split fifty- fifty less the thousands of dollars two lawyers can cost. The best thing is to find a solution between you and your spouse. The hardest thing is trying not to hurt each other. It serves no purpose to fight over a plate worth ten dollars just to make the other person angry. That's why lawyers get involved. That ten dollar plate can cost you thousands of dollars. The split might not be nice, but when all's said and done it will be like a weight lifted off your shoulders, Arecee
King County
King County had an active outreach the last time I checked. Another thing to do is email Basic Rights Oregon, and they may be able to recommend someone up there. I get the impression that the FtMs are being much more proactive and organized than us soppy MtFs.
Good luck.
can't help except with sympathy
my divorce was probably the most stressful thing that ever happened to me - and i'm including transition, srs and the time i came out to my husband when i say that.
i hope you can find a good attorney. more than anything else, i hope you can go through the process with a steady heart and a view to the future. best wishes.
not as think as i smart i am
Probably way too late...
This is probably way too late, but my ex-wife and I did our own (amicable) divorce. We used the information from Nolo, including the great book "How To Do Your Own Divorce." You put all the information together yourself on terms, and they will do the necessary legal work to make it official. It cost $1500 for everything if I recall correctly (this was back in 2001). We never had opposing lawyers involved. Of course, this all assumes your spouse is willing to take this route.
I hope everything is working out OK for you...