that was just odd

You know this will problem go down as an idea that might have been. Usually I only remember having dreams when I change my meds. Which is odd because I haven't; Hopefully is not another down ward spiral into depression. Other wise I don't think I ever dream. Anyway Life at this point had just been one disappointment after another. Being a foster child buyt not put into the system bause of being an embarsisment to the family I lost count of how many relatives i'd been bounced to around the usa. Thou at this point maybe it would be the last for i'm almost out of high school and most of the family had just given up. So here I was in some back hich town in iowa wear the main school was in a farming coop op/ breweary. Being the nu kid I was used to being the brunt of varios jokes I was just hoping to get some support from the guys in my nu family I mean it just gets so tiring with the front of how i should act . coming from too mnany abussive family I so messed up that I'm just there and not me this sucks time to get ready for work and i'll never remember any of this in 10 hrs laters scthea

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