Who in their right mind would have thought that I'd still be scribbling away at Cathy's trials and tribulations, two years after writing what was going to be a blog about getting soaked to the skin while out riding on Dolly (the picture of the bike at the end of most episodes) in a thunderstorm. Instead, I turned it into what was primarily a comedy romance, which evolved into an adventure story and finally into a soap - exploring some of the issues of being transgendered/ transsexual, and trying to live a normal life as a female.
For those who haven't read the saga, it's essentially about a rather decent and honest young woman who falls in love with someone who turns out to be something more than she thought. In return, he, her boyfriend, gets more than he bargained for as well. In fact pretty well everyone of the characters in Bike, have 'had an interesting life' some of them rather short, whilst others are short in the temper department.
I've tried to keep it interesting, following our diffident heroine's struggles and her 'hapless' family, who she attempts to guide and protect while saving the rest of the world, as a sideline.
I have several times tried to work out how large the text has grown and how many have read it, but even with a calculator I screwed up. A quick estimate would be - a lot, and I suspect we are well over half a million words and also hits in total.
I'd like to thank Erin for indulging me all this time, for various friends who've corrected the odd thousand typos or other cock-ups. Thanks as well to all of you who've encouraged me to go on writing this, long after I thought it would end. Finally, thanks to Bonzi, for not sitting on the keyboard too often, and for providing me with purrs and occasional furball, the latter I usually found a day later where they'd soaked into the carpet.
I don't know if we'll manage three years, but if there is enough support and interest from the readers, anything is possible - that would take us beyond episode 1000. Oh boy!

I for one will keep reading
I for one will keep reading as long as you keep writing Angharad! I don't know how you do it, but I love it!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Number of words
5,183,580 words
One can quibble about whether or not the series title, which appears in every episode, should be included in the total. I included it because it forms, in many cases, an integral part of the story, often varying, as it does in the lastest episode, Wuthering Dormice, from the overall series title.
That's more than 60 ordinary novels, close to 70.
You sure about that math? That would be an average of over 7000 words a day.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
>> Sure about the math
I dumped the text into a file and used my machine to count them.
One can quibble about whether some text within the story box, but not properly part of the text, such as footnotes, or text-based section separators, should be included in the total, but it's left as an exercise for the interested reader to estimate the influence of same and fiddle the total however they please.
I took the position that, for example, the series "title," which actually varies from time to time, parenthetical announcements, such as the periodic announcement of the number of dozens, a charming restoration of our antique duodecimal heritage, and footnotes as well, are works of creativity and should be included.
Your mileage may vary.
Footnote 1: Also, I didn't want to re-edit the text to remove them.
Footnote 2: Feel free to knock off a few thousand words here and there to account for these.
I'm guessing you picked up
I'm guessing you picked up more extra text than you realized. If you assume 1500 words per chapter (I checked several of them and that seems a reasonable number), then there would be a little over 1,000,000 words. Unless there are quite a few that have way more words than that, then 5,000,000 is a little high! ;)
P.S. I got my number by copying and pasting into Word/Works (Don't remember which) and letting it do the counting. I used chapters from throughout the series to get a varied sampling. I did this a few weeks ago to get an idea of how long a daily serial chapter should be because I couldn't decide how much to do per chapter for mine!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Doubtless my aged fingers stuttered on the paste key, as I wound up with five files in one. I am an idiot.
I've completed both file verification and recount.
I'm still an idiot, but others share in my stupidity, a small, but real, comfort.
I've run back through the text by hand and verified that I have all the chapters. I was missing one, confused by the series of chapters where Angharad was using "150 minus one" and the like, in a laudable effort to improve the maths of her readers and elevate the general tone of Big Closet. We see around us the wonderful success she has achieved in this noble scheme.
Evidently, either different software packages differ in what they think is a word, or different programmers -- not all of whom, presumably, having lacked the opportunity of attending to the Angharad maths tutorials, are equally skilled -- use slightly different mathematical rules for doing sums.
Here are the results for four different tools, up to and including part 703:
Open Office Counts:
993,426 Words
Microsoft Word counts:
974,992 Words
BBEdit (a text-based editor for programmers) counts:
973,743 Words
Word Count* counts:
972,739 Words
One instantly notes that no two of these agree with each other. Go figure.
Iechyd da,
This has certainly been a lesson for me.
Never trust anything.
Tossing the one outlier, the mean word count from these particular imperfect tools is:
973,824 Words
* A dedicated utility for the Mac that does nothing but count words.
According to Word Count, Episode 704 added 1033 words to the above estimates, and they are obviously only estimates.
At 7000 words a day, I think the mileage on poor Bonzi's paws would be considerable. :)
My estimate from counting the words in various 50 episode chunks in the off-site archive is between 1 and 2 million words. STILL a lot. Poor Bonzi. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
5 million and its still fresh
5 million and its still fresh, pretty remarkable Angharad!
A day without Bike is a day without an odd lot calling themselves family, food decisions, and the clifhanger of the day.
Thanks for the entertainment :-)
Congratulations on 2 years of bike, I for one am pleased you kept writing it this long and look forward to more in the future.
Thank you for writing a great story
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Math be damned!
Over 700 episodes and well over 1 million words is a heck of an accomplishment. I don't think anyone has done anything similar anywhere on the web!
I'm proud to host Bike on BC for however long as you want to continue it. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
If Ever Pydlished
Would make War And Peace or the Tolkien books lok like a comic book.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Congratulations, etc.
Your effort is an amazing feat of creative endurance. I know that when I first stumbled upon EAFOAB it took me two complete days to read myself up-to-date. It would probably take double that right now.
I will be more than happy should you choose to shoot for the third anniversary.
Perfectly Satisfied
Bike Resources
on your two years of EAFOAB , Angharad This series is like a good wine, It just keeps on improving with age!!! Long may it continue.
It will be a legend
... that I doubt any other series will be able to duplicate.
Simply incredible.
Thanks is simply not enough!
I've only been following it for two weeks, and pretty much from Chapter 1, I've been hooked!
I'm now up to
Chapter 126Chapter 245 (about 1/3 through), and loving:a) The story itself
b) All the various plots and subplots - they may not be planned in advance, but you can evidently remember enough of what's gone on before to provide a logical direction for them in each new chapter
c) The "curveballs" - just when you think everything's settling down, something happens to completely tip the balance.
d) The comments - a well-rounded mixup of congratulations, serious comments, comparisons to real life and comedy.
e) The "custom categories"
f) The title block jokes
g) Your self-deprecating attitude in (e) and (f) - e.g. "You're still reading this?" / "Haven't you got anything better to do?" / "There's still no plot" / "We're x chapters in and nothing's happened yet!"
To sum up, you're our very own:
Witty Welsh Writing Wonder (can anyone add anything to that alliteration? The W one, not the A one I've inadvertently created!)
And don't you dare think otherwise! I'm pretty sure you'll still be going at chapter 720 (5x12x12) and probably 864 (6x12x12).
I won't hazard a guess as to if/when chapter 1728 comes into being...
[EDIT 10-Aug-2009] Courtesy of a suggestion by the author herself: Witty Welsh Writing Wonder Woman
Ooh, just thought of one more - if you take either the "mischievous by nature" or "slang: excellent/amazing" definition...
Wicked Witty Welsh Writing Wonder Woman
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
But my parents were married, hang on Bonzi said it means I can't read or write - he could just be referring to my stories.
However, suggestion for the list of Ws: how about, woman - it might even be more apposite than some of the others.