I find that there are stories that triger a story in me, at times, several. My Kelly's Journey was inspired by yyour basis tg love story, just as Terri's Vengeance is. But King Of the Rim is a combination of Star Wars and Star Trek. But my stories truly write themselves. I get the kernal of an idea from reading a story and taking the basic story idea and changing it to fit my idea. But I find that the story goes its own way after I start on it. Is it the same with you?
Story ideas
Hi Stan
When I write a story, I too just have a germ of an idea. After that, I kind of let the characters take over and the story just flows out and almost has a life of its own.
I have never written a story where I knew the beginning middle and end before i even start. Others do it differently, but that's my way of doing things.
A life of their own
When I write I feel rather like a stage director doing improvisational exercises with her actors. I give them each a character, describe the scenario, and say, "OK, go!" Then I just write down whatever they say and do. The things they do frequently surprise me, but even more surprising, to me, is that a coherent story emerges from this process, with only relatively minimal editing and re-writing to make it hang together. Is it that my subconscious knows how a story should go and is taking care of that for me, or is it just that I can recognize what pieces are needed and how the pieces need to fit together to make a story, and then fit them? I don't really know.
I do know that when I try to force the characters to do certain things because I think the story needs it, they invariably rebel. And the more I try to avoid exploring certain avenues because they seem like they'll be too much work to do justice to, the more my characters conspire to take me there anyway. So I just try not to fight it and enjoy the ride.
Sometimes my story ideas
Sometimes my story ideas seem to just appear out of thin air, other times I'm thinking "I want to write a romance story..." and BAM! I get hit over the head with a muse-hammer the size of Kentucky! ;)
My stories pretty well write themselves, too. If I try to force things to go a certain way it usually results in serious writers block! :( But if I just let the story go where it will, it just flows!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
For me
It varies. One night I watch The Rockford Files or see a picture of a figure skater, and suddenly a story idea pops in my head and I start writing. Other times, the story idea evolves over months or years. Only when the story idea is formed well enough do I start writing.
In almost all cases, my stories have started as a small kernel of an idea. Some of my stories stay small, others as my fans and detractors will be the first to say it, end up evolving into War and Peace. I've stopped predicting whether a story will be short or long when I begin writing.(The most common exception to that for me are joke stories. Like this one, which is 5,000 words but has not gotten one single comment. I guess the ending left a bad taste in people's mouths rather than make them laugh.) A simple missing person story soon ends up with me learning more Judaism than I ever knew in my life till now.
Einstein described insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the result to change. Was Albert a reader of TG fiction then?
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
It Flows
I see a situation on the news about domestic violence or the cultural injustices that exist for women in some places. An idea comes to me and I work it around in my mind. When I transfer it to print, it flows out like a fountain and there are times that I get into a zone so much that it might be hours before I finally quit on it. Sometimes my muse might take a vacation, but it returns ready to do it's best.
A rush
Most of my stories come to me in a rush. Usualy my ideas come from small actions by others in public. I can never write, type , as fast as the story unfolds in my mind. I have a harder time keeping my original story line pure to the thought. During the writing process, I have a tendency to want to destroy the life of my main character. I know most readers do not want to read tragedies, they want happy endings.
Danielle, after Ed Gein and Jeffery Dahlmer
I've kinda gone off on cannibalism stories.
-- snicker --
Hope you are making progress on your Rockford Files homage.
Liked the draft you sent me and the posted version, shows promise.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Your stories are not that long, well no longer that The Encyclopedia Britannica.
No no, put down that no. 2-iron and what is that strange chant your wife is ... oooh I feel funny ...
Daddy, Mommy, does this bikini make me look fat?
John in Wauwatosa
I always think I know how my
I always think I know how my stories are going to unfold, but each one seems to have a mind of it's own. Some have been so willful that the finished piece bears little resemblance to what I started. Always to the vast improvement of the tale (IMHO). Sometimes I feel that each story authors itself, and I'm just the tool used to publish it. Hmmm ... there may be a story in that ... :)
- vessica
Story routes
I usually work from an outline, laying out the major plot points in advance. So by the time I'm writing I usually know what's going to happen. But sometimes I am surprised by little bits of business or dialogue the come out of my characters once their scenes are being fleshed out.
Story Ideas...
I am probably one of the few people that will say this but,
Most of the time my ideas for stories happen spontaneously and at random with out even me trying to prompt them. Which is why my schedule for releasing chapters is so wacky...I write only when I really really feel like its time for me to write the next chapter, if I try and write before I just stare frustrated at a blank computer screen.
so =/ I guess this isn't a whole lot of help for you.
...uh my signature?
I have much the same problem
I have much the same problem at times. Sometimes I'll have four or five different stories open at the same time and switch back and forth between them trying to find one of them that will do something! I might have one story that I really want to get done soon, but another one demands to be written instead. At least that way I am usually able to write something!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Thank you Sue
Don't you just get frustrated when you get an idea - maybe just a line or a few words (like a new story I've just started) - and your muse says something like "get out of that one, kiddo and, by the way, it's holiday time again. See ya."
I rarely if ever know where a story's going when I start it. Sometimes they're inspired by life having chaotic free reign around me ("There's Life In The Old Dog Yet.")
Side trips
"I find that the story goes its own way after I start on it. Is it the same with you?"
Sure, those characters have minds of their own. What it comes down to, though, is that you can write a story for yourself, indulging all of those flights-of-fancy side trips through your characters, or you can write a story for an audience. The second is harder and requires discipline, which means, among other things, deciding what to leave out, but makes for a better story.
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi