Scientist found out that a Mummified woman was actually a man.|main|dl2|link3|
Gee, I wonder what she used for Breast forms back then?????
Jessica Marie
Same thing I used once upon a time
A cotton bag full of millet, probably. Drag performer friend of mine showed me how to make one.
-- Donna Lamb, Flack
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
It wasn't unusual
for the ancient Egyptians to reuse a sarcophagus, which is presumably where the confusion arises. Maybe the lesson is, never to judge a package by the wrapper, but archaeologists never learn anything, they have to go back, over and over again :)
Current thought, is that the golden death mask of Tutankhamun, wasn't made for him, but owing to his sudden death in a hunting accident, they had to cobble together a funeral fit for a king, and a god king at that, so they used what was available.
Aww Angharad!
You took all the fun and romance out of Egyptian history! At least it was more interesting than the boring old Romans, especially Julius Caesar. All he was good for was salads and giving Brutus some knife-throwing practice.
ceasar salad
As I have heard it told, and I may be wrong, it may be another of those urban myths was that Ceasar salad was actually invented/created in Los Angeles. a famous cook by the name of Ceasar opened a reasturant and opening night so many people came, (Mostly movie stars) that he ran out of food so he decided to make a salad in front of the guest, tossing the greens high into the air. Smashing garlic and Sardines together and adding the other ingredients to create the salad. the guests were so thrilled with the experience that they began asking for Ceasar's salad when they came to the restaurant.
anyway that's the way I heard it told.
It's not the first time a "Lady Hor" was found to have a surprise down below.