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I have just seen that Changes 9 has had 666 hits. Is that an omen?

Scared Sue


The Number of the Beast

littlerocksilver's picture

There is an easy solution to the 666 thing. All we have to do is eliminate the 666th of anything, since that is the evil number. Unfortunately, item 667 then becomes 666. So we are right back where we started. Suppose you had a bag of 1000 marbles. Which one is the bad one? I guess it is determined from where one started to count. Therefore, mathematically, any assemblege of articles (trees, leaves, marbles, pennies, etc.) of a number greater than 665 is inherently evil. I guess that goes for atoms, molecules, sub atomic particles, etc. Therefore, the entire universe is bound to the number 666 and is inherently evil. If that is the case, I don't see any point in worrying about it. Of course, we could fall back on Heinlein's proposal (and I am sure there are others) that the number is actually six to the sixth power to the sixth power. Regardless, in the universal scheme of things it wouldn't matter. I guess the only way to get out of this is to collapse the universe into a single pre-big bang mass of unity. Then the problem would be solved and we wouldn't have to worry about what is evil or anything else for that matter.

Think about it. I am sure that there is someone out there who will count the people who pass him or her on the street and justify eliminating the 666th. Of course it could be automobiles, or whatever. This is so silly. ): Portia


Aw, but it's my favorite number

666 is evil?

Aw shucks, I never knew.

Hang in there Sue, soon it will be a higher, less naughty number.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

In the book of Revelations

3 stands for the 3 levels of creation: Heaven - Earth - Underworld
4 stands for the 4 compass points, the 4 winds, the 4 pillars on which creation stands, it can also stand as a symbol for the earth. (The 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse are all EARTH's ills and plagues
7 is all or everything (3+4): 4 compass points + 3 levels of creation (when John writes to the 7 churches, it is not to only 7 churches but ALL churches.
6 is incomplete (1 card short of a full deck - 1 sandwich short of a picnic)
666 is incomplete on all levels of creation. A force that is and always will be incomplete everywhere and FOREVER in heaven, on earth, and in the underworld. (It is Hunger that can never be sated, love that can never be fulfilled) A driving force that never finds peace, never finds love, never finds enjoyment, Hope is never realized Got a better definition of evil?

Music is the language of the soul.

Music is the language of the soul.


Puddintane's picture

In the traditional First Nations directions, there are six, north, east, south, west, up, and down, with the last often seen as a metaphor for looking within.

This seems to correspond to the three dimensions of ordinary reality, in which "four directions" are all-encompassing only if one lives in Flatland and believes in a Flat Earth.

So the all-encompassing number is actually six, a perfect feminine number.

In modern mathemetics, we use the same six directions to map out locations in the real world of three dimensions.

The traditional Star of David, a six-pointed star, represents in interpenetration of the spiritual and the physical in perfect union. Perhaps this denigration of six, and by extension 666, represents an anti-Semitic slur?

The same symbol, the "Shatkona," is seen as a symbol of the union of feminine and masculine power in Hindu philosophy and religion, shakti and purusha, of which Shakti is the true source of all power. So we see that partisan rhetoric now targets both sorts of "Indians."

To the Pythgoreans, the number six represented creation,

Similarly, the six-spoked Sun Wheel, or the World Wheel of Tibetan Buddhism, half of which is the symbol of the Isle of Man, represent sacred numbers from deep antiquity, perhaps the most ancient of all.

All this exegesis about the "true symbolism" of 666 is artificial, since all such "explanations" depend on selecting which examples to choose from the many available that support a given position or contradict it.

Using similar logic, one could easily prove that coins always wind up with "heads" on top, because "tails" only happen when one doesn't toss the coin properly.






A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

The Number of the beast

If you stand on your head the number 666 becomes 999. As someone who thinks religion is the root of all evil, 666 is just a number. Christains admonish us not to rely on numerology, astrology, tarot and other divination systems, then regale us with good and bad numbers etc. How pretensious. Given the length of time "Change 9" as been posted, I would say 666 is a good omen for your story. Many people have read it and will read it. I enjoyed the installemnt. Keep writing, I have enjoyed every story I have read of yours. The only downside is waiting for the next installement.


Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~

Should We Note...

...that there were only ten hours between Sue posting the chapters and her blog entry here -- and that here on the U.S. West Coast where the site originates, most of those were in the middle of the night?

As I write this, the story has taken Sue's usual position, solidly into four figures...


Hey, the hits on my story on Fictioneer have gotten into three figures now -- and it only took a month. (Actually, as stories over there go, that's about 30 more hits than I thought I'd ever get, and probably more than it deserved.)