My Stories

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I have quite a few atories posted here for your enjoyment. And I am sure that you are wondering why a basicallly hetero male is here at the Big Closet, Just blame it on my sesnse of honor.

For years I had this need to wear girl's clothing when I was a boy. It started when I saw a girl in church wearing shorts with hose. Well, I got to thinking that if she wore hose with shorts, so could I. I only did it in my room, but son wore hose to school undder my jeans.It was when I went to Health that I stopped.

When I learned about sex, I decided that I like being a boy, but at the same time, I met an older student who was a trans girl. Marcia acted so girly that she was left alone during gym, the only class we had together. She never dressed as a girl, but I did see evidence of her other self in her hose, which I let her know.

After graduating high school, I met her on the street, she was an aerobics instructor at the 'Y'. and looked fantastic in her sundress and hose. Marcia had married her best friend and together thay were building a house for their family. He had children from another woman who died of cancer, giving Marcia a family.

Later, I met my best friend who is gay. We do not engage in sex because he knows that I am hetero. He ewas worried that iI'd be mean to him, but he shared his secret and when I said "So What?' he knew that I don't judge. But it was thanks to him that I am here.

When the church found out that he is gay, the fired him as their pianist. I was sorely tested at the time as to whether or not to leave him or not, in the end, our friendship proved the stronger. And it was during this time that I found the girl within.

I began to search the net for stuff on gays, that is when I discovered the stories. My first site was storysite, n I found this place,



Seems like fit in just fine here. :)





You know, we all have reasons

that are different a lot of the time for reading and writing these kinds of stories. The salient point in this is that we're all here, get along, fit in, and enjoy what we do, whether it's the writing or simply reading. I will give you kudos for not abandoning your gay friend after the church fired him. Struggling against beliefs, habit, and a friendship that seems diametrically opposed to some of all of those isn't an easy thing to go through. That you made the choice you did says a lot about you, my friend.

I actually like your stories

and it is irrelevant to me whether you are trans or not or gay or straight, people are people. I have found that this is more than just a story site, it is a community of sorts, with tolerance for most things found here (except bad grammar!).

Personally, I am happy to hear your standing up for your friend, that is what friends do.

BTW, when I was going through my macho denial phase, I had a beard very much like the one in your photos, it was actually long enough to braid!

Take care and be happy - Jay

Unless there is truth in my heart, my every effort is doomed to failure....

That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address

I guess we all have different reasons

I guess we all have different reasons for being here and from what I've been able to tell those who read and write here seem to pretty much run the gamut. That's cool, I think it'd be kind of boring if we were all the same type.

Oh yeah, I like your stories too.


Remember Stan

It is a very Big Closet and there's room for everyone ... even silly little me.

Huggs & Giggles

Penny Reed Cardon