I'm going to be away from saturday for a week. I will have my netbook with me, so might have time to do some more episodes of Bike - assuming people are actually reading them.
Do readers want me to continue this interminable tale or has it had its day? I'm easy either way, there is plenty of material to keep it going, but if you think it's going stale or boring, do let me know. It takes quite a bit of my time to write and post it, so if I'm wasting mine and other people's time, I could find other things to do, plus using up Erin's server space.
I know I keep asking this question, but numerically, Bike has gone to places even Star Trek, would find impossible.
I'll wait for your responses.

Not my time
It is not a waste of my time, I guarantee that. In the end, how long you go on is your call. When you do decide to end it, give us the blessing of a "and they lived happily ever after" ending. If you need help there, just shout at John in Wauwatossa, he has a good handle on those type of endings. ;-)
They know they can survive
I feel guilty
I feel guilty for taking more than I give back, its almost an expectation that Bike is just going to be there, like the funnies with the Sunday paper. I think we take it for granted though we depend on it and look forward to following Cathy's life and adventures. Her family and people around her are real, we've given life to them in some tucked away space in our minds and hearts.
"...You don't know what you've got till it's gone" -Big Yellow Taxi by many artists
At the same time, what you've done here with great regularity is incredible. I do not know how you have kept it up. The prase quantity over quality has never applied to you tale, you somehow manage to leep it fresh and alive. Even the lulls serve to put us in a suitable mindset to soon have our minds twisted by the next cliff hanging crisis.
Maybe its time to switch gears and go to a weekly update to give you more time for other persuits or just a well deserved break?
Then again, a nice even 1000?... nah thats asking too much of Bonzi to put up with.
Shouldn't Bike go in the Guinness Book of Records?
Keep it going
I count myself as one of the er peloton following this intriguing tale. I make a point of reading it daily. Needless to say, I'd like to see it continue. I'm waiting for the big marriage episodes. Angharad, while you may have questions about whether people are reading, I look at the number of votes and comments that this series garners on a daily basis: you do have a devoted following.
Pro Scrutineer
Bike Resources
By All Means, Please Continue
This story is a very enjoyable read. By all means continue to put out more wonderful chapters. This story is one of the best we have here and please go on as long as the inspiration is there. I assure you they will be read and enjoyed.
I love your writing, but I'll honestly admit that I haven't followed 'Bike' since about episode 250 or so. You've got other stories I much prefer and would love to see posted more often, but that's just my opinion.
Melanie E.
more please
the storie is very good and i look forward to a new part each day as i l;ove to see what ill happen and where it all will go i mean i want to know when they get marriad, what peaches will say about trish and all of that.
All I can say is that I love this story, and will take it for as long as you will grace us with it.
Your efforts are appreciated and will be sorely missed when gone.
However, you are the author, and ultimately make the decision on when it ends.
Like many others, I will miss it, but respect your feelings and thoughts about continuing.
Thank You Angharad for this wonderful soap opera!
My 24.5 Cents~~~~
Please continue to publish E.A.F.O.A.B., I eagerly await each Day's release.
Love following, the Perils of Pauli......ooops!....Cathy.
Thank You, for all Your stories. Such brighten each and every day.
Love and Hugs, from SUGARTown,
I love EAFOAB, my vote would
I love EAFOAB, my vote would be to continue with it so long as you've got ideas for it! I read it every day and am no where near tired of it.
P.S. I love the Star Trek line!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
When I wake up in the morning, I power up my PDA and E.A.F.O.A.B.is the first thing I normally read. It's current and witty and has all the elements I like. I would love you to continue, but only if you enjoy writing it.
As authors, we don't get paid for posting on BC, we do it because we enjoy writing and seeing the reaction we get from our readers. If you still get a buzz out of Bike, carry on, if not then move on. You have a great talent and I'm sure that whatever you write will get an appreciative audience, me included!
It's up to you..
Hi Angharad,
I personally really enjoy your stories and they are one of the few that I have reread more than once. Whichever way you decide to proceed is entirely your own choice and while I would miss Bike dearly, I will support whatever decision you decide to make.
Look after yourself and be happy, lots of fond thoughts - Jay.
"Mine is the right to be wrong" - Ian Anderson.
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address
As long as you continue ...
... to write 'Bike' I'll continue to read it and occasionally comment.
As to the next potential hiatus I really don't care 'cos we're off for a long weekend too and the following one as well. In fact, if the weather is good we'll stay away longer. Selfish, me? Nahh :)
Don't suppose we'll see you at the York Cyclist Touring Club rally will we? That's where we're off to tomorrow.
Enjoy your break. Hope you get a few miles in.
My Daily Bate
I await each installment with bated breath! If you stop writing it, I'll have to go into rehab, or something.
Please, please, please continue!
(insert more begging and grovelling as necessary)
Hi I have been reading the
I have been reading the whole thing again, it took me a few days but I enjoyed it just as much second time as I did the first. I really think you should keep going with the story there is so much more of he tale to tell.
Cathy's wedding, adoption of the 3 current kids (obviously Mima's mom needs to come to a sticky end so Meems can be adopted too) and possibility of more, getting her PHD making more nature films and so much more like Stella finding love so on and so forth. I think maybe you should write it up until Trish has her op that means another 13 years of Bike yay. lol
Okay maybe not that long however if you continued until Cathy is married and adopts the kids etc you could start a new book focusing on Trish as the main character thus carrying on the story in a new light.
I love this story and as others have said its kind of expected for it to be posted each day like the funnies in the paper.
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
What a scary thought!!
What a scary thought!! No more EAFOAB !! You asked for our thoughts Angharad on continuing....Well i know i being selfish here, But i would just love you to continue keeping us all entertained with the exploits of Cathy and her family, Life just would'nt be the same without her!!!
Hugs Kirri
Ditto to all of the above
So long as you are having fun, go for it.
The only bad side effect is it may delay our seeing more of Charlotte's Tale, SNAFU and your other witty creations.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Ditto Ditto Ditto
Please, please, keep it going, I can't wait to read it every night...sometimes I am the first to read after you post it and sometimes as far down as 6 or 7, but I eagerly await your posting every night.
Thanks for all your efforts, they don't go unrecognized.
But it's just getting interesting ...
I may bit ever get enough of this, at least not until she gets hitched and we know what the final outcome of 3 custody cases is.
Of course, based on past experience, there may be more than 3?
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Good Questions..
Personally, I'm still (mostly) enjoying the trials and tribulations of Pauline - I mean Cathy. I can see many areas you've yet to investigate in the story, so I can believe you still have material.
So, if you have an interest in continuing to write, I'm sure the rest of your fans would agree that we'd appreciate you continuing. :-) (I consider myself a fan, by the way.)
NOw, if you'd like to slow down your writing (on this story line) so you can spend the time working on other projects to share... I'm willing for that to happen as well. :-)
So - either way, I can deal with it... But, please, please, don't stop writing (& sharing) completely!
Me too...
I'll add my voices in to the "write it for however long you wish" group. I enjoy coming home from work each evening and knowing there is at least one thing waiting for me when I turn on my computer.
Thanks for your tireless effort in telling this tale.
Angharad: What you do with Bike is up to you. I know I look for it every afternoon when I get home from work. But if your muse with is going a way from it, then if you want to end it, your the Parent of the story and what ever you want to do/or go with is yours, But I will say that whole bunch of us will miss it when it's gone. Richard
Future Bike
Well, I for another seem to be addicted, so if you can find the time, please keep posting. I look forward to my fix each evening.
More please !
I just returned from Bike Vermont and managed to give my new Schwinn touring bike a good breaking in. My trek 3700 was a piece of junk. I brought my laptop along to read my daily fix of 'bike' and coincidentally my bike never needed to be fixed. I love the story and am happy to see Cathy finally settling down. Of course we are all waiting for the wedding and the insanity that has to no doubt happen. You can't deny us that! Your wonderful writings provide us a little window where we can go for a breath of fresh air. Please keep on amusing us. Oh, what ever happened to 'Snafu'? hugs, Carol Anne
Carol Anne
Angharad, As much as I love
As much as I love your story and look forward to reading it each day, I do believe it is in the end YOU, as the creator and writer, to determine when you wish to end this saga. I would request, however, that if you did decide to end it that you would tie up all the outstanding loose ends so we would not be left wondering.
A real fan and reader, Janice Lynn
continue this as long as it feels right to *you*. I always eagerly await my daily fix (which arrives just about dinner time in Indiana) and would sorely miss it if it were gone. It's a great little 'slice of life' piece, even if that life requires any of several English/Scots/Welsh to 'Merican dictionaries at times.
With the deepest of thanks and respect,
Keep them coming!
Keep the chapters coming, Angharad! I don't know what I'd do without my daily dose of Bike! This delightful tale is one of the best series around, ranking right up there with Maddy Bell's Gaby series! Besides, you still have way too many loose ends that would need to be tied off (Cathy's marriage to Simon, the Harvest Mice program, Livvie's father's fate and her permanent placement with Cathy and Simon, plus a few others which are sure to arise along the way to these being resolved!).
Well, You Asked.....
It's your creation Angharad. If you're tired of it, then stop. If every day is too much, then back off to a rate that works for you.
As stupid as it is, I love Cathy and her family (as I suspect many others do to). I love reading about what they are up to. If you are going to stop, please give us a happily ever after, or the promise of one for all of them. There's more than enough tragedy in real life for me.