I had a really good session with a new Electrolygist today. She is very TG friendly and even teaches her own classes. I allow her students to work on me and she gives me a reduced rate. I got to try the latest technology in Electrolysis. It uses sixteen probes at once and the current pulses at a slower rate. It is very comfortable and I was not bothered by it much at all. The other side of my face, they used the traditional single probe. It is a cakewalk compared to Laser. It felt like someone had put 100 lit cigarettes on my face. I had tears rolling down my face. Electrolysis felt like a dull bee sting compared to that. I never flinched or teared up at all. She treated the area with a numbing cream too. I am going twice a week. I could see a big difference already. I have been on HRT for 5 years and they slid right out when they were zapped. She said that she won't normally work on a patient unless they have been on HRT for at least six months.
It goes against all current preferences among t-girls today. It seems the vast majority prefer laser. The electrologist who is preferred by my support group all moan when they say they need to use the needle.
BTW, be careful letting students do the work as their probe placement skills can be poor and the effectiveness of electrolysis is heavily dependent on the accuracy of placement.
Mary Kaye Was Watching The Entire Time
Mary Kaye was watching and supervising the entire time. She is Board Certified and doesn't allow the students to do anything unless she is right there.
Glad it's good for you.
When I first read the title of your blog, I thought it was oxymoronic.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I was really hairy, so I did Laser; $7000 worth; my whole body including there. 4 years later, I am having to go back and so my face again because all that is coming in is gray. I just HATE it the little probes used in Electrolosis
Thats the reality
The reality of laser, you feel you are getting great results at first, six months to a year down the road stuff comes back, usually grey/white. Laser damages the DNA of many of the hair folicles, the stuff that comes in grey/white is not only damaged but is laser proof, and damn near electrology proof, but it gives us electrologists something to do. Unfortunately those hairs are stubborn and the folicles are very dry, this makes it difficult to produce enough lye (the galvanic portion of the treatment) so that leaves a choice of heat and time, both are over in the NOT FUN column.
We had a client who got tired of electrology and went and had laser done, she was so happy she went and bought out almost all the laser clinics in her state (this is no joke) several years later we talk to her and she sold all but one clinic, said she was tired of people sueing her business because it did not work out in the long run, lots of money and unpredictable results. She fianlly said she did not believe it worked as well as she thought it would.
Even the laser companies now cannot claim permanent results in their advertizing in many states.
It works for a few, unfortunatly the long term results for many are not that good, by then you are far down the road, you have been on hormones for years, your skin is more sensitive and you threshold of pain is probably lower, oh yes, and you have a full time job, you are stealth and you have a steady boyfriend. Now, how are you going to grow that hair out for three days so there is something for the electrologist to grasp? You end up buying a good pair of tweezers, learn to enjoy plucking.
I certainly can understand the attraction of laser, I'd want to get it off my face right now right away too. I'd want to believe it was going to work for me. They are like gym memberships, you pay $XXXX for guaranteed results, as many times as it takes, they hope they never see you again.
No ifs or buts, electrology works always.