Here is a list of nine common expressions used by women and a translation of what they REALLY mean for men with an understanding impairment and to give the girls a giggle:-
(1) Fine: this is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and the man needs to shut up.
(2) Five Minutes: this has to be taken in context. If she is getting dressed it means half an hour. If she has given the man an ultimatum for watching the game or a time limit to carry out a chore, then FIVE MINUTES means five minutes.
(3) Nothing: Used in reply to the question "Is something wrong?". This is the calm before the storm. It definitely means something and men should be on their guard. Arguments that start with nothing usually end up with fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. DON'T DO IT!
(5) Loud Sigh: A non -verbal statement which means she thinks the man is an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here arguing with him about nothing.
(6) That's OK: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. It means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when he will pay for his mistake.
(7) Thanks: Do not question, gasp, or faint. Just say "You're Welcome!" but if she says "Thanks A Lot!" that is sarcasm and you keep your mouth firmly shut unless you want to bring on a "Whatever."
(8) Whatever: This is a woman's way of saying F*** YOU!
(9) Don't Worry About It. I Got It: This is what a woman says when she has told a man to do something several times and he hasn't done it, e.g. change a light bulb or take out the garbage, and she is now doing it herself. The man usually says "What's wrong?" and she says "Nothing." Refer Number (3)
If only we all talked the same language,
5. has a second meaning
... she knows the man is an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here arguing with him when he is wrong.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
How dare you! :)
It took me a long time to learn to speak this way, and now you are just giving it away. Traitor!
Transgender Test
So, can the use of these nine expressions be used to determine if a person is transgendered? If a person whose birth gender is male, uses these expressions when communicating with another male, is that proof that he is transgendered.
If so, there would be no need for psychiatrists, psychologists or RLT. Monitor conversations for several months, and you would have your answer.
:-) In reading stories on this site, I will henceforth look to see if the authors are making proper use of this form of communication ;-).
Does this form of communication exists in all male female conversations, or is it limited conversations between spouses and significant others.
Like totally!
Most of the conversations I have with younger women include things like Fuck Yeah!, Cool, Radical, So Awesome, and Like so radical. After they graduate from College and reality strikes, off come the Dreds, the funky clothes, and nipple show. It is amazing how conventional they soon get as they face very square employers every day. I, in my 6th decade, wear my Hijab and very modest clothing all the time and said volunteer employers don't have a word to say.
But, if I get asked to go dancing with friends, then it is of course dancing shoes, red and black tights, black pleated mini skirt, suitably lewd top, and strange wig!
Used them all
... and yeah, men can still be that dense.
Being a naturally-born woman
I can honestly vouch to the accuracy of the above translation. I have, on more than one occasion, used at the very least one of the above statements. Not only is the statement correct, but the intent and translation as well.
All I can say is...if any or all of the above statements are used, tread very VERY lightly, as bodily harm to the offender is imminent!
Paula Young
A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
Limited communication
I'm not sure if it's nature or nurture, but really the difference is that women communicate on more than a verbal level. It's not just what words are used, but also metaverbal information such as subtle cues of tone or inflection, as well as nonverbal accompaniment like gesture and posture. Men just aren't fluent in that stuff but it's second nature to women who frequently don't realize that the men don't understand such things, which results in arguments like:
I'm a guy but
luckily I've had enough experience to vouch for the veracity of said phrases. I'm mid-aged, sort of but old enough to get the reading between the lines thing. Much of woman speak is passive aggressive so a wise-man, an older man should use. Aggressive submission, or older suave guy counters.
1."I'm sorry, I'm missing something important to you and this fight isn't fine."
2."Okay honey I'm getting to go out with my favorite girl tonight's all about you." or alternately(a)*Immediately turn off game."These guys are all overpaid anyway, you need me to do something love?" or (b) "You asked me five minutes ago...Sorry hon, I was just kinda distracted uhm...daydreaming about you."
3.Get up, go hug her gently then ask tenderly. "Is there anything I can do to make this better?"
4."No I guess if it's this important to fight over than it's not worth hurting you by doing it...I'm sorry."
5.Face-palm..."Sorry honey."
6."Are you sure, It's something I'd like to do but It's not worth messing up your plans." or better yet...walk over touch her shoulder,arm ect. Then tenderly ask/say "Come with me?, Please?"
7.Defuse, defuse!...walk over and gently kiss her, a nice long kiss and tell her not thanks but "God your the best." or in case two repeat that but use a passionate kiss make it last a good while the look her right in the eyes and say/ask. "Do you have any idea how awesome you are?"
8. I've had the f-u kind of angry whatever and not the teen version. This is a definite f-u. Guys should just stop and shut up, clam right up, don't do what you were going to do just stare at her for like 3-6 seconds. Then walk away, let her know it hurt but it's that disappointed you're blowing me off and you don't care about my feelings walking away. At most just say a quiet "Yeah, okay..." Manipulative? Damned skippy, but it's aggressive submission meeting the whatever passive aggressive head on.
9.Just let her, and let her get pissed too. If the guy's gotten himself that far then he's already done. Gentlemen, You must, must! take her out on an unexpected nice date. Or do the housework, Make her supper with wine and flowers and desert. If you have extra cash then a nice prezzie, jewelry is good. Most importantly tell the florist, or jeweler you f-ed up. No ideas ask her sister/mom or best friend for an idea and eat some crow guys tell them you screwed up and since she talks to them then they'll have ideas on how you can make amends. It'll get back to her and If You Are LUCKY she'll plan it out with them and get her/them to tell you exactly what she wants.
If the young fellows had any brains then they wouldn't get in this kind of trouble to begin with.
*Hugs ladies*
Bailey Summers