When Is Insanity Not Enough? (or, Does The Conductor Call The Train's Last Stop?)

Some years ago, I came up with what I call My Three Rules of Behavior.

1.You do what you do because you believe in what you are doing and you have a desired goal.
2.You do what you do because you fear the consequences of not doing.
3.You do what you do regardless of the consequences of your doings.

I believed these rules to be exclusive of one another and ranking in moral value from first to last, from the first being constructive and having direction in one's life, to the second of being not much more than being a place holder without initiative, and lastly being self-destructive without redeeming value. This exclusivity I now realize is nothing more than a philosophical illusion/delusion.

What happens when you believe in suicide and your goal is the same? What happens when you fear the consequences of growing old? What happens when such parameters are applied respectfully to rules 1 and 2, and rule 3 becomes “I don't want to be me anymore?” Is this when Maslow's hierarchy of needs culminates in, “You're screwed, Buster Brown.”

Well, I'm bipolar; I have been off my medications for over a week now and I'm feeling more alive than I have been for years.

Though it started only as a form of therapy, this effort became one of the contributing factors of my life's dissatisfaction. That is I enjoy writing, but the medication that keeps me sane stifles my creativity. When I come across something I've written and long forgotten, I recognize something of worth, if only to my own exclusivity. In the eyes of God, His works are heavenly ballets of thoughtful creation. In the eyes of this mortal, my works are scriptures describing my own dance of thought, purpose and emotion. Here is the thought of what is, the purpose of what could be, and the emotion of desire for more than what has been. From this I face the test to not pull the trigger of contempt, to find again something worth living for, to rebirth a story told. The story draft is only a page or two long. Now, what the hell was it I was trying to say...

Such pretension: to author a blog. When is insanity not enough?

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