Pot And It's Effects On The Body-Story

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There is a story I believe posted @ Storysite where an aunt tries to cope with a visiting nephew's smoking pot, and involvement with the pot crowd. She tells him that if he continues to do pot, that he will develop as a girl.

He stops, but because of his friends, she wrongfully thinks that her nephew is doing pot and has him feminized by a doctor. She later on has him totally sex changed because she thinks that her niece is still doing pot.

Only after her niece is totally a girl, does the aunt know the truth. by then, her nephew is traumatized into being a girl, and looks forward to sex with guy.


The story's name...

I don't know if it's posted on Storysite, but the story you mention is called "Alice" and the author is Lisa Fox.

I believe....

Puddintane's picture

That it may be Alice by Lisa Fox, based on a search of the web site. It appears to be fairly well-written, although somewhat marred, I think, by a sadistic prurience.





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