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According to the counter at the bottom of the page, the numbers are fast approaching six million. While I'm aware half of them are me checking for comments on my stories, or Gabi and Holly trying to make them grammatical after I've posted them, it's still an awful lots of hits.

Congratulations to Erin and her team for making this, in my opinion, the best tg fiction site on the net; and thanks for all the hard work they put in to enable us to read and post our masterpieces, we don't know or appreciate the half of it.

Three cheers for the Top Shelf team, hip hip...



Get out the balloons, cakes, champaign etc.

Great work Erin and helpers. 6 million hits is a wonderful mark to reach!

Many thanks for all your hard work over the years. I'm sure that it's appreciated by all the authors and readers who come here and read all the marvellous stories.

Roll on 7 million!


I haven't actually counted them, but spot checking this morning,

I think all 600+ episodes of Bike are nearing a grand total of say, 600,000 hits.
I think the archive will slow that down.

But it may gain Angharad new readers who were intimidated by the thought of having to download a near infinite number of parts.
I expect it will only take 13 parts to cover the first 650 parts, and I prepared things to handle more than that after 650.

Remember though, Angharad, the counter is visits to the site, not hits on stories, so you do not have 10%, yet.

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.



And here I was, hoping that you were telling us you were about to post episodes 620-6,000,000 of EAFOAB


joannebarbarella's picture

At 6.30 a.m. on 24 June Singapore time.
Amen and three cheers to everything that Angharad said,
P.S. The counter went to 145 while I wrote!!!!

Just want to say how much i

Just want to say how much i agree with Angharad when she talks about the best tg fiction site on the net; thanks Erin its the best...oh, And while i'm here thanks Angharad for all your hard work with bike it brightens many a day for me and many others here on the number one tg site.


Site counter

erin's picture

We'll hit 6 million some time on Saturday, most likely. I'm going to have a venti vanilla latte when we do. :) That's a week short of three months since we hit 5 million and five days longer than it would have taken if we were still pulling in the visitors like we did in January. Things have cooled a little since Crystal's is updating now and the FM archive is searchable through FictionMirror.

But I think we'll hit 7,000,000 before July 31. :)

Thanks everyone.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Hoorah! —Well, Ang. did go Hip…Hip

Well done, Erin and the team. This is indubitably (ooooh, BIG word!) the best tg literature site on the web.



“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.

Six Million

Angharad's picture

Another milestone passed, congrats Erin.





joannebarbarella's picture

That's at 0945, Singapore time, 26 April.
Congratulations Erin, Bob, Sephrena and all the other dedicated people who make BC the wonderful place that it is,