It's been bugging me for a while, but I just can't seem to get things into writing lately. In fact it's taken me over a month just to get this little ramble into writing. I wanted to be nice and let all the readers of Their Worst Nightmare - My Dream Come True know why I haven't posted part 3 yet, well it is all ready and complete and looks great; the problem is it's all in my head and I can't get it out! AAAAAAHHHH!!
If I didn't know what I wanted to do with it I probably wouldn't mind too much, I could just think about it and then get a writtin'. That's the worst thing, I know what I wanna do, I just can't transfer it to writting, The few times I have tried I've either ended up staring at a blank screen for half an hour or so, or it's come out so mind numbingly bland and boring with flat characters, and sod all plot, that I've just deleted it.
Dream Come True isn't the only story which is suffering, I have another story which I started as a 'quickie' just after christmas which has gone the same way. And that's without going into all the other story ideas which I keep coming up with; there's three I can think of at present, never mind others I keep forgetting; perhaps I'm just overloaded with ideas. I've tried rereading some favorite stories to get the creative juices flowing, that's worked great fpr coming up with new ideas; still cant get anything into writing though...
I'll get there in the end, just bear with me; I've been ab;e to write this in some sort of cohesive way without freezing, so perhaps I can get my stories back on track sometime soon.
Maybe I just need a cold reboot, a hot bath, and some pizza... mmmmm
Write it, It will Come
That Field of Dreams(C) misquote dosen't sound right here, oh well.
If you have to, try pen and paper. I find I can write faster on paper than I can type and I can flip back and forth quicker, but then I'm a lousy typist.
I do some writing, a little here for the BotC story and Whateley Fan Fic over at the Crystal Hall, and sometimes I get stuck, sometimes it pours out, and sometimes I know what I want , it's great but drivel comes out instead.
Go and do something else, read a story that has inspired you before. Re-read what you did before (I've found that trick quite helpful when I've got lost my way) and even -- shudder -- try to outline where you are going. Just don't be my proof reader and editor, Itinerant's learned that to his growing horror.
Sometimes in going back and fixing previous errors or filling in missing background stories, I've found the clues needed to break a dead lock.
Best wishes, I greatly enjoyed your story and thought he now she was a gutsy kid, surounded by at least one great friend and had an idiot for a Mom. Sorry Mom, you were great.
It will come to you, have fun, don't make it a chore. I often do little for days then foom! If you have a friend or sometime collaberator , brain storm it, it couldn't hurt.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
oh yes..
Go for it! Do whatever it is that might help...
and the other posters have recommended.
For me, I just write. I start out writing a certain story and if it won't come, I write another story completely different or even similar to the one I wanted to write. That helps me a ton!
This works well in a few ways, 1, I keep writing, and writing at least adequate stories. 2, it helps me get through the original writers block and even helps me write better descriptions, feelings and other things for my characters than I was able to do before.
The trick for me is to just keep writing stories. I have so many on my hard drive and many that I used to better the one I really am working on. Try it, you might find it as helpful to you as it is for me.
Huggles and realize most of us have struggled with the exact same struggle you are now having. There is a solution, but they are as individual as the individual writers are themselves. So, give these little things a try until you find what works best for you.
Huggles and good luck
Be yourself, so easy to say, so hard to live.
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
I agree with Angel ...
Every writer's solution is unique. For me, the secret to beating writer's block is to write. Don't worry about whether it's good or not. Don't worry about where it's going. It may be totally awful, but that's okay. You may need to get the awful stuff out so the good stuff can come.
One of the things that always stopped me in the past was the fear that the stories or plays I would write wouldn't meet my own standards. Several times, i would start something and abandon it as hopeless, only to revisit it a month later and realize it was actually pretty good. Unfortunately, the impetus for doing the story in the first place had vanished, and I had once again shot myself in the foot.
As a professional writer, there are times when i can't let myself be blocked. So i push on and hope i can find what i need to make something worthy of the effort.
But for me, the bottom line -- if you write, you're not blocked. Hope you overcome it! *hugs*