It's all stuck inside

It's been bugging me for a while, but I just can't seem to get things into writing lately. In fact it's taken me over a month just to get this little ramble into writing. I wanted to be nice and let all the readers of Their Worst Nightmare - My Dream Come True know why I haven't posted part 3 yet, well it is all ready and complete and looks great; the problem is it's all in my head and I can't get it out! AAAAAAHHHH!!

If I didn't know what I wanted to do with it I probably wouldn't mind too much, I could just think about it and then get a writtin'. That's the worst thing, I know what I wanna do, I just can't transfer it to writting, The few times I have tried I've either ended up staring at a blank screen for half an hour or so, or it's come out so mind numbingly bland and boring with flat characters, and sod all plot, that I've just deleted it.

Dream Come True isn't the only story which is suffering, I have another story which I started as a 'quickie' just after christmas which has gone the same way. And that's without going into all the other story ideas which I keep coming up with; there's three I can think of at present, never mind others I keep forgetting; perhaps I'm just overloaded with ideas. I've tried rereading some favorite stories to get the creative juices flowing, that's worked great fpr coming up with new ideas; still cant get anything into writing though...

I'll get there in the end, just bear with me; I've been ab;e to write this in some sort of cohesive way without freezing, so perhaps I can get my stories back on track sometime soon.

Maybe I just need a cold reboot, a hot bath, and some pizza... mmmmm

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