What is it about the stories we write that keep us going long enough to get to the end?
Recently I'd gone through half a dozen story idea, but only made it to the introduction of the story (if I even got that far) before my interest in it dwindled. When I first started, they all seemed like good story ideas, but I started feeling like I was forcing myself to continue writing. It wasn't until I wrote the latest drabble I'd posted that I realized what really motivates me: it's the emotions. I could feel the familiar drumming of my pulse as delved into the deeply emotional experience of a first outing.
There are other things that seem to keep me interested in a story enough to make it to the end, but this seems to be the biggest motivator for me. I'd love to hear what keeps other authors motivated. :)
It's all About Character
For me, it's all about my characters. They keep me going.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
People's Interactions
I love to examine the way people think and behave, and the reasons behind that. Social interactions are probably the most important thing to me when writing, which is more than likely why my stories more often than not degenerate into nothing more than dialogue-fests with very little if any details in other events. I'm trying to fix that, but most of what I write plays itself out in my head as conversations between characters, or long drawn out internal monologues, so that's the way I end up writing it.
Also, i just find writing fun. If I had a magical machine that I could attach to my head and it would record everything I imagine, I would do that, but until then, writing is the closest I'll ever come to being able to share my ideas and dreams with the world.
Melanie E.
Yeah, what she said!
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Imagining the Readers' Reactions
While I write I continuously imagine how my readers will react. Matching that anticipation to the actual reaction is my compensation.
Part of why I quit writing for the TG audience is the lack of valid reaction. Most of the response that is given is coming from a visceral response to the general theme of the story. That response is not what I have in mind when I'm writing.
Perhaps the most honest responses given on this site are those from the one-handed readers who find certain stories to be "hot". I have something else in mind and have tired of my consistent frustration.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
more bleach!
When what you were saying sunk in I had to run and pour bleach on my mind's eye! ick :p~~~
A combination of factors
I find that it's a combination of things that keep me writing (to finish my stories)...
While I enjoy the writing itself, that alone doesn't help me "Finish" a story.
With one exception, all of the stories I've posted I've finished. The exception (Hidden Gifts) of the serial story I'm telling in Karen's SPA Universe (A story that wasn't originally planned for publication.). I have a half dozen other story concepts in various stages of development, including one that has no TG elements. The written bits vary in length from a simple outline/concept document to a multi-page outline - to a several thousand word start. One's a follow-on to something posted already.
A better question might be why are these (& the serial) not "done"... And that again has a variety of answers:
Combination of things
Quite a bit of the reason I write is to live vicariously through my main character as she explores the fascinating world of sexual differences. Writing is also a challenge, with a decent product a gratifying reward. I also like to provide something that people will enjoy and will (hopefully) stand the test of time.
Oh, yeah. I'm a comment slut, too. :)
I doubt that I'll write any more. The time it takes has been outweighing the benefits lately, but I won't stop storytelling. This 3d stuff I've been talking about for years has taken a lot longer than I thought with RL and my perfectionist nature interfering, but the end -- or the beginning -- is in sight.
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
Why I write
Writing for me started as a whim when I was 13. at first it was a contest between me and a friend, of who could write the best story. I found that I enjoyed painting with words. Writing became a way of me exploring and releasing my vivid imagination. (I was getting too old for playing at elves and goblins in the woods) it was also a way for me to share with others what strange things my mind thinks about.
After a while, I began writing for myself. I created characters who where real (at least to me) their lives though in my mind and on paper became an escape.
I too use writing to work through issues, Camp Kumoni has helped me work through some.
After I found BC and began writing here, I wrote because I was intrigued and awed by what readers got out of or read into my little postings. there are some very smart people on this site, much smarter than I. Some of the comments and insights have also helped to shape Camp Kumoni and Princess and the Plague.
I write because I have to. Why does a beaver build a dam? why do bees work so hard? I write because it is who I am, a part of me.
I enjoy the exercise
or challenge involved. As will be obvious most of my stories aren't plotted, or only very loosely. Snafu will finish soon, quite what will constitute an endpoint in Bonkers or Charlotte, I'm not sure. My Gaby fanfic on Maddy Bell's site, has a definite end plotted, as for Bike, it seems to be freewheeling along by itself - as soon as I try to apply the brakes, readers complain. I suppose I should count myself fortunate that there is sufficient interest to keep me going with it. What however, is most gratifying is to have those who take the challenge to read it from the start and then tell me that they actually enjoyed their addiction - it apparently becomes addictive after a while. Maybe it does for the author too?
Well, it certainly isn't for the votes ...
because if it was, I'd be smart enough to take a hint.
"MS Frankenstein" was about the horror and dismay that I felt about realizing Gwen really was there. I felt like it was the end of my life, and it was.
"Changed by Aliens" was what a childhood with a sane family would have been like.
"Natural Slave" was about extreme despair and loneliness; about how much someone would give up for a simple touch.
"Heat" is about trying to explore sexual feelings; yielding to a man; lustful feelings that I don't have; how I would imagine it if I did.
"Hala's Snow Day" was my maximum effort to write a romance that would appeal to general audiences. It was also my first real effort to use an Editor. It felt like I was giving my Baby to someone else. I was suitably tearful. I think that Holly and I make a good team.
"Non-plussed Muslimah" was an effort to please a potiential play partner. I don't think I satisfied him with my writing. I don't think I'll try again.
"Extreme" was my best effort to show real, mind numbing terror in the protagonist.
So, for me, it has been about trying to grow up and be a real writer someday. In my years of being here, I came out, got thrown out, tried suicide, looked at BDSM without having to risk my life, realized that I can't be the bad girl I thought I could; well, maybe with a suitably loving mate, and that I love to explore relationships and other cultures.
The Journey
I never plan out all the details of my stories. I write a rough outline and set starting points. Then I let my characters loose, and they never fail to surprise and entertain me.
It's not about the destination. It's about the journey. I write because it's fun. My writing process entertains me, and I hope to share at least a little bit of that fun with others by posting my stories here.
- Terry
What keeps me writing
I love writing, and I absolutely adore reading. I'm what one would call a manic reader. I can't feel calm without a reading material in hand or a pen and paper. Whenever I got lured into a bookstore, it would be extremely hard for me to get out without buying something. So normally when I was broke, I simply buy a piece of cheap stationery or a newspaper (which I don't have time to read anyway).
To me, it is easy to start writing. The hard part is to finish it. For that I need motivations. It can be anything. A simple kiss, a slice of Secret Recipe Blueberry/Raspberry Cheesecake, some money, a lot of praises, or good grades. Without motivation, I will never be able to finish a story, even if it's a short one.
My primary motivation nowadays are readers feedbacks. For me, feedbacks/comments are a major contributor to get me to either continue writing, or stop writing. A few years ago, I stopped writing because I got extremely negative comments? Samples of these extremely negative comments were, "I hope you burn in hell, child molester" or "Die you twisted sicko" or "I'm sure Satan has a place reserved for you in hell, you lowlife scum". Apparently there were so many self-righteous people who couldn't preach enough in churches and decided that they would preach in asstr and literotica instead. I was so pissed off I withdrawn all my stories and deleted every single thing. Now, due to my illness, I have taken up writing again, though this time it was less for carnal satisfaction and more for personal sanity. I could've chosen another site, such as storiesonline or literotica or asstr. I chose this site. Why? Because visitors here visit the site everyday, they read stories they liked and they comment. In the other sites I've mentioned, it could take days or even months, before a single feedback arrive.
This site's strength in my opinion is the speed of the feedbacks. I don't mind if it was just something small like, "Good story, keep it up" or "I like it, I want to see more". It would be great if readers could say something more, but to know that at least someone reads and appreciates my work is enough motivation to keep me going at least for a chapter or two more. I know a TG writer, goes by the name Grayfield, he wrote the stories 'Lord Hort'. It started off with a bang, and it was a very hot and sexy story. Then when he opened a yahoo group for that story, he ended up writing less and less and as far as I know, he hasn't written a single new chapter since 2 years ago. Why? He was probably bored and feeling underappreciated, as he kept complaining that there were hundreds of members in his group, but very few gave feedbacks. Eventually he lost interest and focused more on his real life.
I've talked about what made me continue writing. Now let me tell of the reason why I started writing. You see, I am a compulsive thinker and a schizophrenic. These images/ideas came and go, but most of them came and stayed in my brain for a while. While they stayed in my brain, I had to suffer bouts of depression, insomnia, paranoia and ghosts. A few years ago, I found out that by writing down what 'they' wanted me to write, I will be spared from my suffering earlier than if I did nothing.
So whenever I had a dream or a haunting vision, I would write it down. If I didn't have time to write a short story, I would write a poem, detailing every single disjointed events that was shown in my brain. Two of my poems I can still recall were entitled 'The City of Dogs' and 'A Noble's Curse'. Many stories that I wasn't able to finish and still haunted me to this day were 'The Wishing Tree', 'The Flowers of Dearborne Mansion' and 'The Half Lilin'. Yes, the story you read here, has been haunting me for over a year, I'd say it's closer to 2 years.
I was very satisfied with two stories that I was able to complete in a relatively short time, entitled 'The Girl Who Paints Butterflies' and 'A Flower for Lydia'. After writing those stories, Min, the protagonist of the stories, finally allowed me to have my peace. I was almost disappointed when the place where Min normally resided in my head was suddenly empty. She always woke me up in the middle of the night, asking me to finish the story of her beloved Lydia and her loving family, Ben and Chibi. Many times she took over when I wasn't looking and added a few lines herself, before we had a discussion over what she can and cannot do. When she left, it felt like losing a childhood friend and I couldn't stop a few drops of tears.
That's my problem. I have no problem finding ideas. If I was running low on ideas, I could just go to sleep and nudge one of those people in my head to tell me their life's story. You may not believe it, but sometimes we even argued in there, with different aspects mentioning different things from different point of views. The only problem is, that those 'people' who gave me ideas also want their stories told. I don't know how it will end, but I believe that only after I tell all their stories will I finally be able to rest.
Therefore I need motivations from my readers so that I can one day be able to be free. Constant bickering in my own head is not considered a motivation.
Writing, and what keeps me going...
I often times feel that I could just stop, set down my pen/pencil and say "no more" but most of the time, if I am not doodling, talking with friends, or writing, I sit around bored, watching myself, and friends, grow old, my father is no longer mentally in this world, and my mother, well, she is my mother...
but I do feel like writing is the best and easiest outlet for my creativity, if I couldn't write, or if I somewho forgot, I probably wouldn't be here.
Also, for me its characters, without a decent character the entire story is just sort of...meh... not really worth reading or writing, thats why I work hard on character developement, and ofen by the time I am done with my story, the character has grown more than I have.
...uh my signature?
...uh my signature?
Thanks for all these intelligent, literate comments. I promise to read every one. All of you are remarkable beings.
marie c.
marie c.
The stories do
I don't set out to write a TG story. What happens is that ever so occasionally one comes along, grabs me by the throat and says: "Write me!". That impulse can last until I finish, or it may go away. If it goes, I am left with a half-written tale, knowing how it is supposed to go, but unable to find the words to put it down and hoping that the urge will come back.
Writing is such a strange business! :-)
Why Do I Write?
That's a fine question and as soon as I figure it out, I'll let ya'll know! :)
Seriously though, for me, putting words to paper acts as a bit of a catharsis to me at times. It's almost like venting to your friend, minus the friend, so you don't have to censor yourself at all.
I'll let you all in on something though, I've never put any stories on the net until I posted here a couple weeks ago. It just seemed like a safe place to put it, you know? Maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age, but it felt right to post them here. My stuff might be garbage, I don't know, but for the first time I felt comfortable putting them out for public consumption.
No one else can tell you best how to be yourself
No one else can tell you best how to be yourself
Why not, Marlisa
You have an interesting story, and so far it has my attention. The chapters are too short, though. ;-)
They know they can survive
thanks, withheld
but my lack of storylength (chapter wise, anyhow) has always been a part of my problem. If I go too long, I get tired of reading it as I write it. Does that make any sense? The thing is, I can read other writers stories and they can be a billion lines long, but if it's remotely interesting, I'll keep reading. If it's mine, I'll get sick of it. :shrug:
No one else can tell you best how to be yourself
No one else can tell you best how to be yourself
You know what? I'm just an
You know what? I'm just an old fashioned campfire storyteller at heart. I LOVE to entertain people by telling them tales and weaving them yarns about people, places, and things they've never seen, heard of, or experienced before. I'm a writer because writing gives me the ability for my stories to reach beyond the sound of my voice. And I'm really good at it, too. LOL! :)
THE CONTINENTALS. Murder, mystery, intrigue, adventure--And cross dressing.
THE CONTINENTALS. Murder, mystery, intrigue, adventure--And cross dressing.