Bike 600

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Well who would have thought I'd still be churning out this stuff more than eighteen months later? I know I write the stuff, Bonzi has a problem hitting the keys on a laptop - but I have little control over the characters, they just do what they do and I watch and write it down. This goes to prove that I'm totally bonkers, I suppose, nothing new there then.

I get enough messages of support to keep it going for a while longer, which is bad news for those who don't like serials, especially of the monster variety. In writing so much, it has given me space to explore issues which some shorter stories can't do or don't have time for, which I consider a privilege.

I must thank Erin for allowing me to fill up so much server space with my nonsense, and for encouraging me to keep it going. Thanks also to all the readers who have enjoyed it and commented, voted or written to me. It's quite a variable number, from several thousand on the early numbers to six or seven hundred on more recent ones.

Some have even used it as some form of endurance event, seeing how quickly they can read the lot - three days was the record, a couple of hundred episodes ago. Three weeks is more likely today.

Anyway to all of you, friends, readers, staff and Bonzi lovers a huge thanks on this the six hundredth episode, which is I suppose something of a milestone - though to what, I'm not sure.

Lots of hugs,

Angharad & Bonzi(I'm Cool)Cat.


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