I was looking through some of my writing, and realized that there is no way that I am going to finish everything that I started. The Stocking is on the Other Leg particularily stands out, as I really don't have the life experience to do the theme justice.
I was wondering if there are other writers out there who are willing to create new chapters or sections for it, with the intent of teaching Tommy (the main character) further lessons in the difficulties that transexuals face. He had a relatively easy lesson in Chapter One - now let him see what it is like for a 50 year old just starting to transition, or the hell that transgender teen goes through in school. Help him understand that his neighbour is a person worthy of respect.
Basic premise: Tommy shifts into the life of TG / TS person. He has no control of that person's movement, and cannot read their thoughts. He can, however, feel their emotions and physical sensations (both good and bad). He's there for a relatively short duration, before moving on to his next host.
Any takers?
O. Kaysonel
Might want to...
Sweetie, you might want to add a link to where the unfinished story is posted or something. Those of us that have joined recently don't know what you are talking about. (wink)
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
oh, right
Thanks, I didn't even think of that. Here is the link:
O. Kaysonel