I am on disability due to my weight. Through Medicare, I have 20 rides per year. Well, I was told that after the twenty were used up that I would get twenty more that year by the sales rep. that convinced me to go with the medicare provider he was with.
Turns out that I only get twenty per year and medicaid in my state takes over a month to get you the vouchers to pay for the rides.
Tried to tell my brother, but he says that I should have been ready. How can I when I was lied to?
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Stanman May Your Light Forever Shine |
Medicare and that other stuff.
I have been inundated with offers to change providers. Everyone of them says they have the best deal. Well, the law of averages says that most if not all of them are lying. People lie. They tell you what you want to hear. I am so thankful that I am retired military and have Medicare and Tricare for life. I throw all of those offers out. I don't know what to say. One of them has to be better than the rest. How we find out is beyond me. It's the same thing over and over. They are out to get your dollar. There is not one insurance company, health or otherwise that has your best interests in mind. They are out there to make money, first and foremost. The customer is always secondary. If they tell you otherwise, they are lying. I work for and around the insurance industry and have for over 20 years. I should know.
:( Portia
How can you tell?
Not for you, but for the benefit of your readers, you can tell by getting promises in writing.
If it isn't on a document, signed by someone authorized to do so, it isn't real.
You need a paper trail. This is PARTICULARLY true of Medicare providers.
And Many 'Mericans
think the NHS is bad. It isn't.
(Who has worked for the NHS on and off for over 30 years).
But it's... !
OMG socialism!
Too many Americans still have knee jerk reactions to anything that falls outside of what they (I refuse to lump myself into this) believe is their 'democratic' government. It's a carryover from decades of cold war antagonism and McCarthy fanaticism and witch hunts. The simple fact is... our education system is so lousy that most don't even understand government, theory or practice. They accept politician and media sound bytes, frequently taken out of context, as truth.
And most of our politicians are old enough that they don't know anything else. We'll get a national health system, but we'll have to wait at least another generation before it has any chance of success.
A discussion of the not-so bad NHS, Neanderthal Americans, and the benefits of socialism! I can't wait to dive into this pond!
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
Genetic Deficit
I don't seem to have a single political thought, though I have searched every wrinkle and orifice.
They say that Obama is a socialist. Why is that? Is it because he wants to get the US out of Bush's fucked up war? Is it because he is cranky about AIG's financial pirating?
Just can't figer this out.
U.S. not U.K.
Comparing the U.S. and U.K. health care systems is like comparing potatoes and oranges. There is simply no basis for comparison.
And you want government healthcare in the U.S.? Run by the same government that runs Social Security, Medicare, The U.S. Postal Service, Amtrak, the Food & Drug Administration, the National Highway System, the Veteran's Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, need I go on? What's the quote from Albert Einstein I keep seeing? Something like Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
P.T. Barnum was right, there IS a sucker born every minute! "We're from the government, we're here to help you."
They know they can survive
Hear Hear!
The government can't even run the most basic of programs, how in the (@*#%& are they gonna ruin, I mean run, a nationalized health care system?
I love the USA, but come on people! We have to take responsibility for ourselves at some point. I don't mind helping out those who are in need, as long as they have done all they can do as well.
ok, I'll get off my soap box.
Paula Y.
Paula Young
A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
Insurance claims
I believe that most states have an overseer of insurance. Write to them and file a formal grievance against the insurance company that offered you the service. If it is a legitimate claim your state representative will take care of the problem.
I too am retire military and don't pay for tricare as I was promised medical coverage after I retired. I am not going to pay for something that was promised to be free. Since I am a disabled vet I utilize the VA hospitals. I actually receive good care from my primary care physician, unfortunately my mental health care is below the national average.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Portland VA
I will have to say that with certain small lapses, my mental health coverage has been great; life saving in fact. For the normal medical stuff, they seem to do great, though right now I am grappling with a mysterious scalp problem that leaves open and bleeding lesions most of the time. They don't seem to have a clue about that.
Post op care of my SRS was really great, too. I brought e-coli in my bladder back from Bangkok and it took a lot of really aggressive care to fix that.
I hear that the coverage varies from state to state. From the stories I hear, Portland could be the best.