Friday Featured Freelancer - Entries due by 9pm Central!

Edeyn Alright, since there don't seem to be any objections, I'm opening to accept entries for the first drawing.


  1. You may only enter yourself
  2. No members of admin staff may enter
  3. After the drawing, the pool is emptied, which means there are no carry-overs -- you must re-enter each week you want to be in the pool
  4. If you are chosen, you may not enter for 13 weeks following

It will include links to stories, a short bio, Q&A interview, and a picture or graphic. NOTE: Any part of the feature may be opted out of by the winner. If the winner does not WANT a bio or picture, but wants links to stories and the Q&A, that's perfectly fine.

To enter, simply reply to this posting or send a PM to me (Edeyn). Drawing will be on Wednesday night, winner informed on Thursday, with the page being built on Thursday, and posted on Friday.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...
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