What is the average age of readers on this site?
In response to another writer's comment to Terrynaut/Terry Volkrich's story, "In My Sister's Footsteps", I made a comment that there is the possibility that certain readers to this site under the age of 35, might not recognize a reference to "The Man On The Grassy Knoll" for what it is. Readers of a certain age and those familiar with American History, know that this term refers to the assassination of JFK - that is John F. Kennedy, an American President who was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, for those whose education is lacking.
Another writer replied to that comment by stating that they thought that they may be one of the few readers here, under the age of 55.
I doubt that. But, I was wondering what the average age is.
Perhaps, readers will respond, by giving their age, or an age range.
Perhaps someone with the talent to do so (I don't have it) can with Erin's permission if it was necessary, create a survey, asking people their age. Perhaps other questions such as education, location, etc. could be included. The survey could be anonymous to protect those who want to protect their privacy
I will admit I am 57 and originally from Queens, New York.
Interesting idea
Be very interesting to see the age demographics of the community. I know many past commentor's have left clues as to their age in their comments, but if Erin could put together a graph, that'd be cool.
Me? ... 54 & a Canadian, living in upstate New York - for now.
Average Age of
I would think by the ages of someof the people I know the average age would most likely be in the late thirties. The only way to be sure would to be run a poll and ensure it can only be answered once. Even that is not reliable as some people like me have quit celebrating birthdays. I celebrate the anniversary of my 29th birthday Also some don't want people to know their age.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Instead if being specific (which I agree with your point), how about a totally anonymous option of a bar graph with either 5 or 10yr incremeants?
Umm, that wouldn't be the Golden Aniversary, would it?
Hey Jill,
If I remember correctly, Jack Benny celebrated the thirty ninth aniversary of his admitted 39th birthday before he died.
Personally, I'm curious how long I could get away with only admitting to be 17 yeard old. Of which, I will be celebrating the 40th aniversary this July 10th.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
I generally get away with ...
people thinking I'm about 30... most of the time. So, that's good enough. But, when I tell them that when I was born, there were only 48 stars on the US flag, they go "huh"... :-)
Of course, I really am in my low 30s... Again, and again, and again. :-)
48 Stars on the flag
That would have to have been before 1959 for the 48 states and July, 4 1960 for the flags acception by President Eisenhower.
Ah, would that be mental
Ah, would that be mental age, emotional age, or chronological age? LOL
Chronological age I am 66 this month, mental age (in terms of sense of humor) about 10 (just ask my little sis), and emotional age about 20 (lol). I was a college prof. and researcher until my retirement, and have transitioned since then. I tried to wait until I was 65 for full retirement benefits, but couldn't take the conflict any longer and transitioned at 63, with surgery finally in August this year. Waiting as long as I could was the best choice I think though it had physical costs from depression and stress, since when I knew I had to transition or die (an emotional decision), I was 55 and still too far from retirement. It would have been hard to impossible to remain in my career while transitioning as I lived in a conservative part of the country (the south), so I was increasingly miserable for a few more years as a tradeoff (logical decision).
I started reading TG fiction as a means of escape, and maybe a kind of wish fulfillment, to help with staving off what I had to do, but of course not until after the internet was extant. I continue to read it as entertainment, and enjoy the work of some authors. I admit to being one of the people who find forced fem/Dom stuff to be rather immature, but that is me and I would never criticize anyone for writing it. I just don't read it. I find that stories about individuals deliberately undertaking transition to be more realistic in my experience (ie. I have only met one person who lived as a girl as a young person against her inclinations due to parental/legal pressures vs. hundreds of TS and CDs), regardless of age, though people in deal/bet/dare stories can be entertaining as well.
I have wondered if there is something about the sense of approaching mortality that finally spurs the "late" transitioner into transitioning? If anyone else currently in transition or post would care to comment.....?
Seems interresting
That's an interesting idea.
I'm 21
and I come here mostly to read about stories of people near my age who are discovering live just as I am. And to ell the truth, I come here everyday, and it has been for a few months already. I guess I prefer reading to my old interests.
About references and not necessarily understanding them, I'd have to say that since I'm French, I don't know that much, and it's sometimes a bit confusing. For instance, I thought recently that 6th form was a year after elementary school (you're around 10 by then, it's like this in France) ... But I guess I was wrong :) since A-levels seems to be the equivalent of the baccalaureate in France (and you take it when you're 18).
But still, I can enjoy the stories without much trouble
I know there are young readers, some 20 or less, out there. I wish I were among them. Things would be so much easier (I think). I am 66 and will be 67 in two months. Portia
Not quite double nickels
Since I stirred this pot up, I should fess all, I suppose. I'm 52, and was transitioning for years before finally going over the edge (as one of my family put it). But I think the ones that are willing to give their age may be at the point that it no longer matters that much. I have noticed that most of the people on here who have given their age admit to be in their 50s and 60s, hence my comment. The ones that read and don't comment, who knows?
I personally believe that most stories are about younger people because that is when we all wished we could have transitioned. It's the age where we were still able to dress up and look good. I mean, who bothers to check out the legs of a 50-something woman? ;-)
Um, let's see... if you
Samirah M. Johnstone
I hope an honest anonymous survey can be set up
I think most of us, when we first came here, or at least into reading the genre were extremely tentative. I know I was, and most of the people I talked to were, and many ( most? ) are still not using a name that can identify them anywhere but here. I certainly AM NOT saying there is anythingwrong with that, and in fact, it is a good thing.
So to get a real honest survey, it would have to be done in such a way that identification and the answer would have to be separated somehow, and limited to one set of info per person.
Even then, some people take surveys, some do not, and in a group like thisis, I'd imagine it might be skewed heavily in favor of the older members, but maybe not?
Still, it would be interesting just to see what sort of answers we'd get.
As long as a survey is being made, maybe also ask if the responder is Transitioning, mulling it over, or seriously thinking about it.
I'm 65, BTW, and happy as an older woman. That's not to say I do not wish I was a 20 something hot chick. But I'm not going to stress over it
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
well my birthday was
well my birthday was yesterday i turned 24
>>>>>I'm a new soul.I came to this strange world.Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.<<<<<
Have you noticed that when
Have you noticed that when you are really young, you are almost 6 even a day after your birthday, or a proud six and a half. In your teens, you are nearly 16. In your later twenties and early 30's, its I turned (age). You are over the hill at 40, on the downhill slide at 50. From your 60's, through the 70's you made it to (age). Over 80 it's 80 and a half again. Over 90 it's birthday, what birthday, is there cake? LOL
Age / Persona / Hiding / Stuff
I'm currently 30 years of age. But most know my mental and emotional age are MUCH MUCH younger.
I don't use my legal name on most of these sites. I use a nickname I was given "Piper" way back when.
At the same point, I don't hesitate to sign my letters and posts KAF (Kirstyn Amanda Fox) which is what I intend to legally change my name to when I transition.
Beyond that, because I operate a business that has decent visibility around some of these sites, it is REALLY not hard to figure out my legal name, if you really care to.
I write under several aliases/Pen Names depending on how the story feels and how I feel when writing it. One of those Pen Names is Christiana Jane Plummer, which was the first name I had chosen for my "new" self way back when, but I decided on Kirstyn Amanda Fox quite a while ago, and have stuck with it for over 8 years now :)
-Piper/Kirstyn Amanda Fox/PiggilyTails/Christiana Jane Plummer, Pretty Christi, JulieChristine/And More......
I will admit to being 57 in just a short while, in Indiana all my life. I'm older than that, probably due to 34 years as a cop. But as I have stated before.....have you ever noticed that dirt is light colored on a dark surface and dark colored on a light surface? That was my idea, I gave it to the Big Guy when he was trying to figure out what to do next.
Age Range
I just turned 22 in December, which as far as I know makes me one of the youngest people actually posting stories to the site. As for reading TG fiction, well, I was a few years short of the agreement age on Crystal's site when I first started checking the stories there.
And, just to let it be known, I knew the grassy knoll reference. Then again, I'm probably a lot older mentally than I am physically- it's sad when you find yourself thinking of people ten years older than yourself as 'kids' just 'cause they don't get some obscure reference you make to something that happened before THEIR time.
Melanie E.
I think the reference is quite well known
I mean it appeared in several pop culture thing in the last 10 years or so ( so those who were interested learned what it was referring to).
As to the age question : I am going to be 21 in the 22/3 and have been reading TG fiction for 8 years or so ( I guess I broke the agreement age of Crystal's site by 5 years) .
Well, I'm gonna be.....
Well, I'm gonna be 38 the end of this month although I feel more liike 83 most days :(
Currently I'm living in Maldon in Essex, England. Although I was raised in East London.
And my Name? Is my real name, Just not my legal one :(
Samantha Jane ********** (I'm not going that far :D)
P.S. 6th form is a UK term for the ages 16 to 18, It used to refer to the years spent in Secondary (High) School, These days we call it "Year 1 to 11", Not sure what we call the 6thform anymore.
I will be 53 in October. I am from Worcester, MA.
As 4 Your Tuly :-) ;-)
Biologically, I was born in 63, have a 140 I.Q. but am about 21 or so in my heart. I say I may be old, but I am NOT getting older.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I am not old! Oh Ghod I am old!..
Mentally I am any where from middle-aged to a preteen.
Chronologically I am 47 days older than the official opening of the Mackinaw Straights Bridge and I suspect it is in better shape overall. But then I haven’t had so many components upgraded and replaced over the years. The Xerox 6000, the first photocopier came out in 1960, I was toddler.
My dad was born around the time Lindbergh flew the Atlantic solo. Mom was just over nine months older and was born just after electric sound recordings -- IE semi-modern records -- were perfected. Grandpa Brown, the younger of my grandfathers was born over four years before the Wright Brother proved powered fight at Kitty Hawk.
I am not old! There were man-made satellites in obit when I was born , Two, both labeled CCCP and one held a dead dog! I remember Prince Charles becoming Price of Wales and the Beatles on Ed Sullivan
Okay I’m an old codger! But then Madonna and Michael Jackson are less than a year younger than me.
"this is Madonna for AARP!"
Bru ha ha ha ha !
John in Wauwatosa only twelve years older than Jack Benny,
John in Wauwatosa
oh, nice method!
I was born when JFK rather ill-advisedly backed an invasion of a foreign territory, in a place called the Bay of Pigs.
Which means that this year, for the first time in my life, I'm older than the PotUS (by four months).
However, by an alternate formulation, I'm fourteen (I transitioned when I was a year older than Jesus); another measure (one preferred by surgeons who wear Italian suits, perhaps) suggests that I'm only four.
Oh my, Stanman63, you are just a youngster...
I will say this only once and then forever deny it....
Having been born during the Second World War, I turned 66 last December... That is chronological age,
Now my mental age will forever remain under 30.
As to my IQ, if that truly means anything, let us simply say I don't wish to put StanMan to shame.
Yes, that is probably why I have so many stories in my "in process" basket. Am working hard to finish Sorcerer/ Sorceress and am writing chapter 10 of Stevens Security. I also have Menace and Assorted Biologicals plus Wolfe's Bane (in rewrite) and I dream of Jeannie. Those are just for starters. Four of those six are TG oriented... One of them brings back Lucy...
Oh well, enough of a break... I'm going to take a nap and then get back to work. Hope to have some sketches to check out for Sorcer... and then try to earn a little money with it for the two of us who are putting in the effort.
God Bless You...
Guess I'm somewhere in the middle
Looks like all but a few of the folks who've admitted their age here so far are either over fifty, or under thirty. I fall in that "generation gap," at 47.
I've been a member here for two years and was a regular reader for probably a year before that, and at Sapphire's for a while before that even. If you count Heinlein's I Will Fear No Evil, I've been enjoying TG fiction on and off at least since I was thirteen--or since I was nine, if you count the scene in Huckleberry Finn where he disguises himself as a girl, or the scene in Disney's Swiss Family Robinson where the pirates' "cabin boy" turns out to be a girl (oh, how I identified with her, and wished my true gender could be so easily and convincingly revealed).
I'm not old enough to remember the Kennedy assassination first-hand--barely. My earliest memory is from 33 days later, Christmas morning, 1963.
My location is highly variable and runs the gamut culturally from Peoria, Illinois to Geneva, Switzerland. At the moment, I'm in Seattle, Washington. I've now spent nearly half my life living within fifteen miles of here.
Erin, if it's possible to set this up as an actual survey and there's anything at all I could do to help out with that, gimme a PM and let me know.
Polite Company
A lady never reveals her age. 41
mikeva Born in England before the second worlod war, Ill be 75 in May.
I was conceived before WW2 ...
... but born in England after it started. I don't think there's any connection :). My paternal grandfather was born around 1855 and my maternal grandfather drove the locomotive pulling the relief train to Ladysmith in the Boer war, or so I was told. I remember them both.
I don't know if there's a poll feature here but, if there is, it might be an interesting (and anonymous) way of conducting a survey.
Remember - over 99% of the world's population has more than the average number of legs.
Who am I? Why am I here?
I'm 48, reside in South Florida and was born in New York USA.
Einstein described insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the result to change. Was Albert a reader of TG fiction then?
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
AGES - Like Good Wine
I was born in 1942 and the hospital I was born in was taken over by a freeway/Interstate Highway, I have two sisters and one brother, I am the oldest, My oldest sister is no longer with us, my Brother I have no idea, and my little Sister lives in Illinois. I, turned 67 the end of last January and I keep getting told I look 45-50 so in actual age I'm 67 living as a 45 and wishing I could start over at 21 things would of probally been different if I knew what I know now. But it looks like that will never happen so 67 stays with three sons, one grandaughter and one grandson, and a Stepson in Cincinatti. My Stepson Graduated from Uni at Maimi, Ohio. My oldest went to WVU but never grad, My middle Son from a tech school Marrieta, Ohio, My youngest was in the Navy Submarines, 8yrs then went to WV State now works for a big company in VA servicing Submarines/ and is a Navy Reservice (SeeBees) and is headed for Afganistan (did ten months in Iraq) Been devorice since 1981. That about sums it up!!! Richard OH! I'm a Vietnam Vet 1965/66
Age - what is age?
Oh well, can we say 58 the end of the month.
As always,
As always,
old photos
362 days short of sixty, for some reason my photos have aged over the last few years, even though I could swear that I've not.
old photos -- not aging... have you discovered
the secret of Dorian Gray???
How are you doing it? Let me know so I may go try. I have a few photos which I could use... or does it need to be an oil painting?
I may rush right out and commission one.
God Bless You...
Young in mind and soul
Most of you are going to see this as an outrageous lie, but I'm gona tell it anyway. About two summers ago, I was working in the woods with a bunch of college age enviromental majors. It was about 100 every day, and everyone was quickly down to shorts or short skirt, and skimpy tops.I only owned two pair of pants so for the other days of the week it was minis. I'd go back to Portland once a week to do laundry. Around the camp fire one night, one of them asked me how old I was and I asked him how old he thought I was? He said 36, and I just smiled and said thank you.
Well, many of you are very familiar with my teeny bopper antics so perhaps that could be credible to some. My shrink used to say I was about 13 emotionally. I don't know if she will give me more now or not.
However, I just turned 62. I have goals. This summer, I plan to ride my bicycle from Portland to the Beach and back. If my lungs will permit it, I plan to walk up Mount Hood. The day I decide I need a recliner ... Ah, we don't want to talk about that.
I'm 41, live in Nashville TN
I'm 41, live in Nashville TN and my wife is 57 this year.
May the Stars light your path.
age; real, actual or what ever?
In the spirit of the impromptu survet here: I will see the BIG 60 in 5-10 years. ( Maybe)
( YANK, YANK !!!!!!! )
In the mean time I am older than the hills, but younger than the stars.
My hours are more numerous than the needles on yon needle tree, But my minutes are not as numerous
as the grains of sand on the beach.
I long ago noted in reader's surveys on TG Forum that the readers were up there in years.
This does not cause warm, fuzzy feelings on the future of TG Fiction.
( I first discovered actual TG fiction on a college field trip to NYC in the mid 70's )
I am 60 going on 20 and live in St Louis, MO
A Method ?
Put up faked stories named 10-19; 20-29; 30-31 and so on and let us wote for the "story" that correspond to our age. In that way there will be no extra work to collect data and we will all see how the balance between agegroups will change as the votes comes in. After a months time 0r say 200 "voters" our manager might put together a nicce diagram of the standing. Or if the voting frequece starts to drop off earlier just tell us that the "voting" is finished. It is up to us to be as courageous to give our true votes.
Greetings from the oldaged retired
Age and identity, huh?
Ok, I'll bite.
I'm 37 as of March 1.
I go by the same name everywhere I am on the web.
I'm in Charleston, SC.
That's about it.
Finally 'Fessing up
Okay. You put my name in the blog so I have to comment. :)
I'm 46 and living it up in the Seattle area.
I also have an inner girl (Sprite) who's 16 and an inner little girl (Alice) who's 6. Then there's also an inner male idiot (Wolfie) who's ageless. He climbs rocks and trees and runs around chasing squirrels, rabbits, cats and deer. We don't like to talk about him much. ;)
For those who are wondering, I have zillions of story ideas and not enough time to write them all. My muse is hyperactive. *sigh*
Oh. Someday, I hope to get a job. Being unemployed, I have more free time to write, but I won't be able to keep writing if I'm homeless. :(
- Terry
Who, me?
Well, I'm 51. My inner me is also 51. I write early 20's characters because that was the sweet spot for me. I could meander back and forth across the gender line, I was normally seen as a girl because of my hair, which was long even by the standards of the other women around me. Nobody would ever have used the word "macho" to describe me. Working in a bar that had no other males working the floor just reinforced it for many people, even a couple of my coworkers assumed I was female.
Strangely enough, that androgyny got me hired at the police dept. This was in the early days of the sexual equality movement, and the PD got to list me as 'female' on all the government forms, but made no effort to actually accommodate a female officer, so they could save money and apply for federal grants that couldn't have gotten as an all-male department. Screwy, huh? They couldn't get away with it these days, but back then was a different story.
Karen J.
"All lies in jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest"
The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
You know
That would make an EXCELLENT catalyst in a story, and all the better because you'd have real life experiences to pull from.
Melanie E.
The thought has crossed my mind. But you know, a lot of cop humor doesn't make much sense to the civilian sector. And some of it these days would be regarded as civil rights violations, in those days it was just the way things were done.
"All lies in jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest"
The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Is that scary or what?
Karen_J and I being the same age?
Remember, don't trust anyone over thirty or under fifty.
One of my earliest memories is listening to my orange 78 rpm Wheaties Micky Mouse records until we couldn't wait anymore and drove the 45 minutes to my dad's parents farm. In the 45 minutes John Glenn went into orbit, and I'm not talking the Space Shuttle.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I went to afternoon kindergarten in late November 63 when mom said it likely was closed and waited 90 minutes before I gave up and came home all because that Kennedy guy got his head blown to bits. What a jerk, afternoon kindergarten was a blast!
John in Wauwatosa
Nov. '63
I vaguely remember being upset that Captain Kangaroo wasn't on TV. I didn't understand why all three channels had to show the same boring thing. Of course, 4 years later I got mad because the made me leave the Smithsonian Museum to go to Arlington Nat. Cemetery to see the Eternal Flame. My argument was, if it was an 'Eternal' Flame, I could see it the next time we were in DC. Didn't work. But I was impressed by the Tomb of the Unknowns, so it wasn't a completely wasted trip.
"All lies in jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest"
The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I'm 21.... Why wouldnt
I'm 21....
Why wouldnt people under 35 know about the man on the grassy knoll? thats famous history? Even in england its known about... Hell im a classacist...
Mid 40's for me.
I am in my mid 40's having celebrated my birthday earlier this week, and have lived most of my life in NJ, except for the college years.
What's my age again?
Nobody likes you when you're 23. What's more you act like you're in freshman year. Why would you wish down on me. I never want to act my age.
Seriously, I am 26 for another 6 days, and I prefer to act my shoe size(That would be 14 women's american measurement).
With love Olivia-Kate
From the age of when...Dress codes strictly enforced...
No trousers for the girls even in winter.
Sneakers (track shoes) were only worn for gym
No jeans of any color were allowed to be worn in school
Hair for boys above the collar, shirt tails tucked in, no pull over shirts allowed.
The first ever issue of the TV Guide...
The first issue of Playboy Magazine with Marilyn Monroe was released.
Lots more tidbits the youngsters would never believe!
No calculators (electronic) a slide rule was our calculator and they were banned!
No boom boxes, just little transistor radios that only received AM stations.
U.S. Statistics 1953
President: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Vice President: Richard M. Nixon
Population: 160,184,192
Life expectancy: 68.8 years
Homicide Rate (per 100,000): 4.8
President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued an executive order in 1953 barring gay men and lesbians from all federal jobs. Many state and local governments and private corporations followed suit. The FBI began a surveillance program against homosexuals.
It was not a period to be labeled different and I was different! By 1958 I was considered too pretty and in 1960 I was the first boy allowed to wear my hair long and be made to join the girls in almost everything in school. I wanted to be the boy that I thought I was, but the powers that be and my parents thought otherwise. Choir, dancing, drama, in all things I was typecast as a girl.
Back then it was a different world. I was alone surrounded by people who knew what was best for me, yet I remained alone for a long time. (a little boy, made to appear as a little girl)
2009! I'm here at the Big Closet and have been here for some years now. I'm 55 going on a 100! Inside though, I'm still that little boy living as a little girl to make others happy. My happiness was only made possible when I made others happy. Inside I was one broken hearted little boy, but I survived, I made the best of it and I am what I am today thanks to all of my yesterdays!
Huggles All
Angel Rene O'Hare
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Well ...
No trousers for the girls even in winter. - Girls were another breed. I was at an all-boys' school.
Sneakers (track shoes) were only worn for gym - We wore things called plimsolls (or pumps) which were invariably black.
No jeans of any color were allowed to be worn in school - Jeans? What were they? They just didn't exist in the UK when I was at school. Grey shorts until 15 for me.
Hair for boys above the collar, shirt tails tucked in, no pull over shirts allowed. Much the same but it just wasn't an issue, merely the accepted norm.
The first ever issue of the TV Guide... No TV at all. TV didn't get anywhere outside the London area until 1949, 9 years after I was born. Even then it was mostly off with few programmes and none after about 10pm.
The first issue of Playboy Magazine with Marilyn Monroe was released. The most exciting 'dirty' mags for us was the occasional copy of 'Health and Efficiency', a nudist publication with heavily doctored pictures.
1953... 1940
Lots more tidbits the youngsters would never believe! Yes, same here. Stuff like chewing wood (aka licorice root) but sweets were on ration like everything else, and scarce.
No calculators (electronic) a slide rule was our calculator and they were banned! I still use my slip stick and it's faster than a calculator for some repetitive sums.
No boom boxes, just little transistor radios that only received AM stations. Portable radios here still used thermionic valves even after I started work repairing them. The transistor wasn't invented until 1949 though the earliest radios were semi-conductor driven - ie crystal sets :) The early transistors wouldn't work if it was cold.
But then, nostalgia isn't what it used to be LOL
Remember - over 99% of the world's population has more than the average number of legs.