Have you ever wanted to visit the world of Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure? Ask someone a question? Then join me in this experimental journey.
|MODE: upload|
|DEST: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/node/add/blog|
tp tp tp
Testing. Testing. One, too, three.
Ugh, got a typo in there. Where's the edit mode?
clk clk k-k-k-clk-k-clk
It doesn't look like this I pod thing-ee has an edit mode. Fortunately, the speach to text feature kind-uh seems to be working. I just wish there was a way of fixing some of these mangled words.
tp tp
It seems to be picking up sounds too. I hope the link between this world and the real one works. I can hardly believe I made it into Bobby's world. It's pretty much how I imagined it would be, but more so. Everything feels more real than I'd expected. It's almost like having a lucid dream.
Good morning, sunshine. I see you're all dressed already. So where's my good morning hug?
That's my girl. You look so pretty this morning.
Thank you, Mommy.
Aw, I haven't heard you call me Mommy in years. You always know how to make me smile.
I'm glad. You have a pretty smile.
Thank you, sweetpea. So you all ready for your first interview?
Huh? Watch-uh talking about?
Don't you remember? It's part of the inter-personal communication module we downloaded from the home schooling network over the weekend. It's why I said you could borrow my iNode(tm).
Oh, I guess I forgot.
Don't frown like that, Heather Rose. You're going to get wrinkles before you turn nine.
I'm sorry, Mommy.
Silly girl, I was only teasing. Now lets see if I can get a smile out of you.
Gah! Stop, that tickles!
That's much better. Can't have my little girl walking around with such a sad expression. So can you guess who your interview is going to be with today?
I duh-no, you?
No, you just interviewed me yesterday.
I give up. Who is it?
It's Mrs Moreno from across the street.
You mean -- Aunt Joan?
I'd almost forgotten you called her that. Yes it's Aunt Joan. I called her up this morning when I saw the police car pull out of her driveway to make sure everything was okay.
Is she okay?
She said she was okay, but -- what's her name, the little girl who just moved into the house at the end of the block?
You talking about Bobby?
That's the name. From what Joan told me, Bobby seems to have been through a lot, especially last night. Right now she's recovering from some sort of injury and Joan found someone to fill in for her at work so she could stay home with Bobby today.
So how did I wind up with an interview with her?
After she told me about Bobby, Joan asked me how you were doing, and I told her about the interveiw project you're working on. She said she pretty much had her morning free and offered to be your next subject.
That's so cool! Do you think I could interview Bobby too?
Well have to see about that. She may not be up to -- is this recording? It is! The new text to speach software seems to be working better than the one we got from the sample disk.
I'm sorry, Mommy. I was kind-uh playing with it and forgot to turn it off.
You really apologize way too much, sweetpea. You did nothing wrong. If I was worried about you playing with my iNode(tm), I would have taken it back last night. Now lets turn this thing off and get some breakfast in you.
|MODE: sleep|
|AUTO SEND: activated|
thrown far a loop
what a supprise from the story line .HE HE HA HO !
brought a smile to my face this morning.
Clever Idea!
I like this! Do some more, please! It's a nice twist, and could be used to add some of the little things that enrich a story.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Reply from within Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure
|MODE: upload|
|DEST: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/node/add/blog|
What's wrong, Heather Rose? You didn't step in that mud puddle, did you?
No, Mommy. I was just looking at the I pod and --
That's iNode(tm), sweetie, not I pod.
Oh. Um, I meant iNode(tm). There's stuff on there that I didn't put on it.
Let me take a look at it. Oh, I see what's going on. A couple of people replied to your post.
Oo, That's so neat! How do I reply to them?
You're doing it right now, Heather Rose. See that little icon blinking in the top corner of the display?
That means the voice to text mode is on and everything you say will be posted to your blog. So is there anything you'd like to say to the nice people?
Oh yeah! Hello Joanne and --
clk k-clk
Um. Oh, and Karen! Thank you for posting to my blog. I'm glad you've enjoyed what I've posted so far. I duh-no when the next post will be coming in, but I'll send it as soon as I can. If you or anybody can think of something to ask Aunt Joan or Bobby --
If she's up to being interviewed.
Oh yeah, if Bobby is up to it, please just leave a message and I'll try to ask them for you. I'll see if I can interview other people too.
Good job, sweetie.
What do I do now?
Well, you can send it if you want.
How do I do that?
There's two ways. You can just hit the off button to put it into sleep mode and it will send what you have recorded so far. Or you can go into the main menu.
clk clk
Then hit --
Heather Rose Brown
Author of Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure