I stirred up a bit of a hornet's nest when I asked about postings elsewhere being noted on things posted here. Here's a much more personal question. I posted forty odd chapters of Snafu on Sapphire's Place. I have a new one which is nearly ready to post. It doesn't look as if Sapphire is going to be up and running in the foreseeable future.
What would readers here, suggest I do with it? Keep the suggestions clean, if you please. The options I have in mind are: to post it here as a temporary measure; to post the whole series here and then the new one; to send it to sapphire and hope it's posted before very long; or just to forget the whole thing.
I would suggest posting the
I would suggest posting the new episode here pointing out that the remainder of the story is accessible at Sapphire's Place. You could, perhaps, post a direct link in the preamble. The next favourite is to post all previous episodes here before posting your latest one. The least favoured would be sending it to Sapphire in the hope that she'll have time to post it soon.
Whatever you do don't just forget it.
Just my thoughts.
Remember - over 99% of the world's population has more than the average number of legs.
Up to you, of course :)
But you could do all of the above, sort of. Send it to Sapphire and post it here, and in the post here, include a link to the first chapter over on Sapphire's so people who haven't read it can catch up. Then when Sapphire gets back to updating, you can resume posting there or keep posting here, or both. That's the simplest solution I can think of with the biggest payoff for you, Sapphire and your readers. And me. :) I get to read your latest without going to another site. :)
Or you could similarly post it to Stardust with a blog post linking to it here. Or a StoryLink. E.E.Nalley has been continuing Belle of the Ball at Stardust while Sapphire is unable to update.
You could also do as you suggested and post all of Snafu here, or on Stardust, or on TGFiction.Net and post the new one when you got caught up. I'd like that, too but that delays getting to read the new one. :)
Just suggestions. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
A hybrid, I think...
Post a "chapter" here with links to all of the currently posted chapters on Sapphire's.
Then, post the new chapter here - with the correct chapter #.
This way, if you later decide to bring the existing chapters here, there's a place sitting ready to receive them. And, if not, there's not a whole lot of work wasted. It also makes it easier for those that might need help to find SNAFU on Sapphire's. (I think it's a good idea to read those, before going on to the new chapter...)
Either way, don't leave the chapter languishing. Let your impatient audience sink their collective fingers, teeth, eyes, whatever, into it. :-) And, you can do that here. :-)
Whatever You Do.....
Don't even think about forgetting the whole thing.
I like any solution that ends up with you posting at least the latest chapter here or on one of the sites Erin referenced (sooner than later).
A link to the previous chapters is a good idea (or better yet a brief story to date summary in front of the new chapter). I'll need to go back and read over the last chapter to refresh my memory regarding the story. It's been a while since I read it.
Post here, by all means...
Snafu, despite the acronym, is both a very good story and "family-friendly," the sort of thing I personally prefer.
And how could anyone object to a story with big cats and lines like:
>> I set off for the Presie suite, toutes suite.
Very droll,
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Hi Ang,
It's up to you what you do with the stories. I think because of all the problems at Saphires Place, you may want to post the whole series here. I think that you would get many new readers for what is a fine story and you have the right, of course to post where you please and you can always continue with Saphire if and when things get better there.
Just my four penny's worth.
I agree
with the above.
two cents worth?
Set up a title page and place links chapter by chapter which could be replaced at a later date if necessary.
Here, Here, Here!
Post the new chapter here, with, as suggested above, the correct chapter number. A simple preface mentioning that the prior chapters are available at Sapph's, and we're all good to go.
Migrating the whole thing here might be nice for tidiness in the long term, but it's a far lower priority FOR YOUR FANS WHO ARE DYING TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER ALREADY FOR GOODNESS SAKES!
Good suggestions all around.
My vote would be to post them all here, but as has been mentioned that would be pretty time consuming and unnecessary with either a link to the story at Sapphire's or simply a preamble telling people where to find the earlier chapters. Once Sapphire begins posting stories again, you could migrate the chapters from here to her site.
It's a dang sight easier than what us Whateley writers did. Setting up our own site to host the stories while waiting on Sapph to get things settled down so she can start posting new stories.
Snafu I Say
post new chapter here with link to rest of chapters or post them all here once a day until all are here. May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Please post the new chapter here. Possibly add the link to the rest on Sapphire's Place and eventually migrate those 44 chapters here. The story is great; a nice blend of fiction and mythology with a dash of reality thrown in for good measure. Haven't read a chapter of ANY of your stories which was less than VERY well written. Keep up the great writing you have a great gift for story telling.
When life throws tomatoes at you, make spaghetti sauce.
When life throws tomatoes at you, make spaghetti sauce.
I've been re reading
The early snafu chapters - it's ages since I wrote them, and I'm actually quite pleased with them, the punctuation could be better, but there's a lot worse out there.
I'm very tempted to repost the lot, it's not hard reading and it will be finite as opposed to Bike which seems to pedal its own course.
Thanks for the comments, I'm still making up my mind what to do.
Ang, as to SNAFU ...
... may I have some more, please.
Not that I don't love Charlottes Tale and The Dormouse that Roared, um Withering Dormouse or whatever it is now.
It is nice and polite to be loyal to Sapphire as her site brought a lot of good TG lit to the public and may again but while it remains *in stasis* so to speak, that does your story, your muse and the readers no favors. If you don’t wish to offend post a link and just the new stuff here until Sapphire is back on her feet, site wise.
As you can see from the response to others who brought some or most of their works here, Danielle and Tanya are but two of a number, you will be well received. Or Stardust is a fine site though quieter and I’m confident Bob Arnold would welcome you. Your story would fit well at either site.
Please don’t stop, I want to know if she wins her off and on would be lover, John, and how she fulfills her duty to Sekmet. Does her heroism release her future family from the need to serve Sekmet? Or does Sekmet as a healer goddess, one of her several *hats*, make your heroine whole and fertile both as a gift and to ensure another generation of the family serving her? Only you know your’s and Sekmet’s devious minds. My pair of cats give it two tails up!
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Angharad; Post the new
Angharad; Post the new chapter her with either a link to Sappires or repost all the other 44 chapters here. But definently post the new chapter here. Richard PS: Now when are we seeing more of Charlotte????
My two cents - subject to the exchange rate...
My vote would be to post the new SNAFU chapter here AND post the previous 44 chapters as well - much like "The Softening Of Jessie" did by first posting the 'initial new' chapter here, then quickly posting the previous chapters from FM before posting any more new chapters.
I just tried to access Sapphire's via my bookmark and Googling it, but to no avail. Is it temporary or does it not look good for her site?
Site Was Up Earlier
Sapphire's site was up earlier today, but I'm not getting in at the moment either.
I just got in to Sapphire's site 10PM PST
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Ok, my thoughts on this matter. Simple, Send the newest chapter to Sapphire saying that she has the exclusive on the chapter because of your previous chapters were exclusive to her for a long time. But, also include a note saying that since the exclusive part extends to the new parts being posted, you are going to start posting the older parts to other sites. That way, she can continue the exclusive until the point in time that the newest part is ready to be posted here. If she hasn't posted it at that point, you have given her the opportunity to do so long enough. Then you post it here. Simple? To me it is.
Rather elaborate...
In the ordinary world of publishing, there is a certain reciprocity involved in publishing agreements between an author and a publisher, to wit: When you submit the work, it's published in a timely fashion.
For whatever good reason, the Sapphire site has decided to go out of the publishing business for an extended period of time, and is, however "temporarily," no longer a publisher with whom one can have a meaningful agreement.
In the interest of fairness to those authors who've made such one-sided undertakings, Sapphire really ought long ago to have posted a notice that all such arrangements are on hiatus as long as the site is frozen and she is not performing her end of the bargain.
Sticks and stones are hard on bones
Aimed with angry art,
Words can sting like anything
But silence breaks the heart.
--- Phyllis McGinley, "Ballade of Lost Objects," 1954
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
SNAFU without the Snafu's please
Greetings Angharad
I would love to see the new chapter of SNAFU, so please post it here, with links to the previous chapters for those who didn't find the story earlier.
If at sometime you revise earlier chapters that would be the time to post everything on here.
When I found this reference to a new chapter of "Snafu". I hunted down the earlier chapters, and have devoured them all, Now I am wondering how to access the new parts, as I am dying to continue reading this story,
Also in the "Easy as falling off a bike" story In one the chapters you mentioned rescuing a woman from the river. I am curious to know where this river is, since Portsmouth is a small island (I lived ther fo 65 years) and has no rivers. Nearest river capable of flooding to that extent is the Wallington river at Fareham, too far to walk
Move it on over
Sapphire has the repect of being one of oldest TG story websites around, but when a host fails to serve her authors/readers for whatever reason the expectation of exclusivity is not reasonable. Therefore, just copy the story to BC and continue on. To do otherwise simply denies your readers their value. If you need more prompting, ask yourself what would your favorite published authors do if their publishers failed to market their stories. I think my favorite authors would simply move on to different publishers and as a reader I would be upset if they didn't. Last thought: Why would anyone agree to an exclusive posting over a limited term of more than a year is beyond me. If the host wants more than that, let them buy the story. The same goes for the story, if it hasn't received the clicks to support the advertising revenue, the host shouldn't be expected to suffer the cost of keeping it online.
I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster/Creator are its divine verse.
--Old Man CoyotePuma
I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster/Creator are its divine verse.
--Old Man CoyotePuma
Move everything here. Saphires is getting stale.