We have a compiled a list of authors who have expressed a willingness to assist writers with their stories. There is no guarantee that a particular author will be available or willing to act as an editor at the time you contact them, but it never hurts to ask them.
Patricia Marie Allen
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
Angela Rasch
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
-- ... Writers need to reach out to check availability
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
D. Eden
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
Robyn Hoode
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
Bill Durr
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
-- ... Flexible regarding what a writer might need
Monica Rose
-- ... Spelling and grammar only. Changes are suggested
I found the following description of the types of editors at the following URL:
All of the following are types of editor but their services vary:
• Developmental editors – stage 1: They focus on the big picture and help to shape the story (e.g. plot, structure, characterization, pace,
narrative point of view)
• Line editors – stage 2: They focus on the sentence-level picture and help to smooth the narrative and dialogue (e.g. clarity, flow, character
voice, readability)
• Copyeditors – stage 3: They are also sentence-level masters who focus on correcting the text (e.g. spelling, punctuation, grammar,
• Proofreaders – stage 4: They’re the last line of defense and provide a quality-control check (e.g. spelling, punctuation, grammar errors
and non-standard or inconsistent layout)
Sorry to say this,
But I gave up on giving - or taking - advice long ago. Too independent? Yeah. /sigh
Just wanted to say...
For those willing with the time and patience to perform such assistance, you're awesome. It takes great care to remain focused on such a task, especially when the wordcount is extensive. But the help is tremendously useful, as unless an author lets the work sit for several months before revisiting...typos and mistakes will absolutely be missed because we simply won't see them.
Done This In The Past
I think it has been about three times, and so far no one has thanked me nor have I made their work into an epic. I'm still willing to try. I'm American though have done my best to impersonate an English Writer.
Gwen, It is the most short-lived of human emotions.
Double post!