Lately, when I've been writing stories, I've been feeling a little ... lost. I've been starting to get story ideas again and writing them, but I'm wondering if I'm really reaching my readers as well as I could. While I like telling myself little stories, the ones I write down are the ones I'm hoping others will enjoy. If there's anyone who read any of my stories and has any thoughts on how to make them better, I'd love to hear from you. :)
BIGMAMA is a wonderful story. You could've written a better hook by starting the action of the story in the first paragraph, but that isn't a big deal.
BUT -- Heather Rose -- haven't you been listening to me? Pink light special? Your comments lead me to believe you are forgetting the first rule of "connecting" with BC. Your protagonist has to be pre-pubescent. Especially for you, with what you normally write.
Several months ago I read a John Grisham book. I was fifty pages into it when I realized it was non-fiction. What a shock. I felt cheated. I finished it, but wasn't happy about what he had done to me.
Your readers have certain expectations as well. A cute pre-pubescent protagonist is one of them.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
My Only Suggestion
All I can say is write what is in your heart.
Aunti Shelly
Add bunnies, cute little ones with wiggly noses and fluffy tails. Bunnies make everything better!
Or, simply write what you want to without wondering who will read it. In all likelyhood, the more 'indie' the story, the more important it will be to someone who desperately needed that exact story.
Then add bunnies.
Melanie E.
Rasufelle Is A Genius
She meant to say Kitties. The kind of kitty who stares up at you with adoration and then gently pushes the side of your nose with her rose petal soft paw before licking that area just above your upper lip.
Melanie also meant to say you should pick out your best friend, real or imagined and tell them a story -- while writing it down, so the rest of us can eavesdrop.
That's what she meant to say, but what she said was okay, too.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Oh, of course
Silly me :p
Maybe we can have both kitties and bunnies, kind of a double dose for terminal cuteness?
Melanie E.