Too late...
Don Piraro had a TG restrooms cartoon that was moderately cute.
It showed two people walking down a hall, with two doors in the background showing the traditional "male" and "female" icons wearing iconical pants and skirt respectively, and one door in the foreground showing the two symbols merged with the caption:
"We proudly feature the only transgender bathrooms in the city."
It'll Be Back
It's a pity the newspaper doesn't have some sort of archive, and King Features Syndicate only has a very limited one (the first week of one prior month). A real pity.
In eight or nine days, look here, and it might just show up, where it will likely stay, along with a little article about how it came to be:
Bizarro TG Restroom Comic
Not sure if they'll let me hotlink to it, but the Seattle Post-Intelligencer seems to have an archive that's up to date. Here goes nothing:
It worked, at least once! Okay, if that stops working, try this:
bizzaro comic
I couldn't link the comic to my photobucket account, sorry