Back at the dawn of desktop computers in business it was hard not to load a game on your office PC, I mean after all there were just not enough hours outside of work to play some of these games. It soon became such a problem in corporate America that companies forbid employees from installing games on their office PC's.
This lead to the birth of the "Boss Key" feature to be installed in many of the better games. Hit the Boss Key and it would throw up a more business appropriate alternate page.
Now we have Windows etc that allow us to swap pages quickly enough but it occurred to me that if BCTS had a Corporate skin that nobody would give a second glance it would be the modern equivelent to the Boss Key. Something simple, dull and forgettable looking :-)
Do I read BCTS while I should be working? Let's see, it's nearly 2 pm, yup, but I'm retired.
This is tongue in cheek so please nobody get your knickers in a twist that I am suggesting changing what the moderators have done so well. What I am pointing out is it is hard to step away from the Big Closet. If this were around twenty years ago I'd have never gotten anything done at work, I had to wait till I got home to try and communicate with Feminet BBS at 300 baud.
We are so spoiled today. Not just the easy technology, it's the artists that craft these wonderful tales for us all to enjoy, thank you so much each and every one of you!
Busted Already
The bosses probably have a proxy installed and can tell where everyone goes when they should be working.
Its legal to install spy software on workstations to watch while you uhm...'steal company resources'.
By the time you need a boss key these days... they'll be coming over with your dismissal papers.
If you edit your account profile, you can already select a much less colourful theme, if that helps at all.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
If You Work For a Good Size Company
If you work for a good size company, it's likely they are tracking where employees visit.
The company that I worked for (I'm retired too, yay!) tracked sites visited, bandwidth used, blocked sites including online email accounts (yahoo, MSN, gmail, etc), looked for words and phrases in email traffic (using snooper software), programmatically audited company network connected computers for non-authorized software installations, suspicious video, and picture files. The threat was you got to talk with HR and IT would take your computer away if you got caught doing something you shouldn't. Most people wouldn't be able to do their jobs without a computer (you get the picture). Incredibly, people occasionally got caught doing something stupid. Some of them were terminated as a result. They also had software that could track CPU cycle use by application. That software was used to determine the health of the company workstations, but could have been used to help determine what individuals were doing. The company that I worked for is very security conscious and particularly paranoid, but they are just a regular industrial company. Point is, they can watch.
Blocked sites
If the bosses are monitoring you, then they are probably blocking sites by type/content as well.
Whats Missing
an apostrophe, that's what. Do I get a prize?
Angharad :)