New Third Edition!
Twelve-year-old Kelly Drew can't seem to convince anyone he's actually a boy! A comedy of miss-taken identity for a boy who's too pretty for his own good. Kelly is smart and sassy, and the story romps through one miss-adventure into another, from lost luggage to madcap escape.
New! Third Edition, edited and revised with two more chapters than previous Kindle editions.
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Couple reads
I've read it a couple times already (previous release). Is there any changes aside from the additional chapters?
A fresh edit as well,
and -- with Ms. Cunningham's permission -- there are a couple of spots that dated the story just a bit that were slightly updated to be more timeless.
We also added the previews and promos to the end of the book that we've been putting in other books we've released over the past year, to keep the new version in line with current formatting standards.
Otherwise, it's just a cleaner format and edit of the book than what was previously available on Kindle :)
Melanie E.