I was listening to a compilation of Theme music from the James Bond pics. While I do appreciate much of John Barry's scores, I have felt his slower music to be a bit ponderous.
But I revisited the Love theme from On Her Majesty's Secret Service; which I saw in its original theatrical release in 1969. It's the only Bond Movie to feature Aussie George Lazenby as Bond, and his breathtaking Co-Star, Diana Rigg as Countess Tracy di Vicenzo.(The irony of her name is not lost on me, nor is the title, We Have All the Time in the World, reprised in the most recent Bond outing, No Time to Die)
Their romance ends tragically at the end of the movie. While the Theme music that Barry wrote in his normally stirring style is rousing, it is sharply contrasted by the Love Theme, which for me has to be one of the most bittersweet but beautiful things ever to grace the screen. Even as I cried sad tears I wish happy tears for you and yours!
I leave you with this.
Il romanticismo vive. Possa l'amore vivere per sempre
Perhaps the best Bond movie ever
But certainly the best 'Bond' and "Bond girl'. But I still think of Emma Peel when Diana Rigg is mentioned.
We have all the time in the world... the biggest lie of all time.
Thoughtful as always, Drea. Thanks for sharing this. :DD TAF
We'll Never Know
Why this Bond movie rated so low on the scale. It was the first one where Bond actually treated his girl properly and Diana Rigg performed admirably as usual. The music was totally appropriate to the love story portrayed in the movie.
Thanks for reviving it for us, Andrea.
In an interview
she said she had been quite awful to him eating garlic and other strong tasting foods before kissing scenes.
I Was in the Eighth Grade . . .
. . .when my older brothers introduced me to the Bond paperbacks.
I feverishly read them all.
The next year the first movie came out. It was one of the rare times the movie out-classed the book.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Beautiful, ‘Drea!
Beautiful clip, and music. Diana Rigg will always be “Emma Peel” to me, but in any role, she was a delight.
My goodness, do the clothes take me back. The ruffled shirts!
— Emma
it broke my heart when I realized she was dead
I do like that they referenced her death in some of the other movies.
Many people, for one reason
Many people, for one reason or other, don't like George Lazenby. But this has always been my favorite Bond story. It shows Bond as having human weaknesses as well as human strengths, just like the rest of us. In effect, it shows him as human, something I don't feel all of the stories do. It shows that no matter how he sctually felt about all of the other women, there was that one who held a special place in his heart.
Diana Rigg
Yes, undoubtedly a memorable contribution to the Bond series of films. Diana Rigg had the most beautiful smile, Glad to have been reminded of the film and its stars.