I Hope It's Not Connected

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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

This may or may not be connected to the server move, but I thought I had better let you know, Erin and Bob, in case anyone else is experiencing the same thing.

First I'm in Singapore...don't know if that has any significance.

I logged on this morning about 8 a.m. my time. Naturally I have BC in my Favourites and I got in no trouble. The move was over. I had a quick browse and logged off, but left my laptop on standby while I did the usual morning things. I came back about 10 and tried to log on. Nothing. Totally blank screen, so I tried again, several times in fact, without result. By this time I'm beginning to panic at the thought of losing BC. Then I noticed I still had BC on the bottom bar of the computer screen, so I hit that and BINGO! BC was back. So I called it up into Favourites again and over-wrote the previous entry, thinking that would fix things. I browsed for a while and then shut my unit down and went shopping. I came back and turned on again at about 4 p.m. went to favourites and same result, no BC, just a totally blank screen. This time I had to go to MSN and tried through there. Big Closet doesn't even appear on the menu page! I tried a few combinations without success, then thought maybe I could get access through a link with Stardust. Stardust (our site) doesn't appear on the menu pages either. I got to Fictioneer OK but still couldn't access BC. Then I remembered that Susan's Place has had a link through our Blog pages, so I went there and got back here through their linkage, by the back door so to speak.
I hope this is just me. Everything is fine when I'm logged in,


I couldn't duplicate that

erin's picture

...bizarre sequence if I tried for hours. No idea what happened. Singapore internet filter? Who knows?


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

It's All Back To Normal

joannebarbarella's picture

I just logged off and checked. I can get back in through my Favourites, and if I go through MSN that works fine too. BC appears on the menu page again! Who knows? Shrugs shoulders and wipes sweat from brow,

A hint for finding BCTS

As Erin noted, it may take a day or so for all of the directory servers to become updated after the server change.

But when I need to find the site, and can;t remember the URL ( when I'm not on my computer), I go to Google and type in 'Big Closet Top Shelf'
It's pretty easy to spot, being usually the first listing under the paid links.
Right now, there do not seem to be any paid links. Every listing I see is related to this site.

It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


Flush your DNS Cache

Piper's picture

Also, you might want to try flushing your DNS Cache if you know the address and it doesn't come up. In windows it's as simple as [START] [RUN] then type "CMD" in the box... When that comes up type "ipconfig /flushdns" at the prompt.

You should get a reply that looks like this

Windows IP Configuration

Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

Just close the command box and you are done. That should work on Win98/ME/NT4/2K/XP

In vista, you need to click [START] [ALL PROGRAMS] [ACCESSORIES] then RIGHT click on [Command Prompt] and click "Run As Administrator".... If a box opens asking if this is OK, click "OK" or "YES", then run the same command in the DOS/CMD box :)

This will clear up most your DNS routing issues as long as your ISP has the current IP address :)

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

Something else that may help

is to open up your internet browsing history for each day (I only keep two days) and remove any references to BC or search engine results for BC. Most older IE versions have a menu option for history, at least the latest version you can open it with ctrl-lshift-H

I'm betting it has to do with the DNS though, so it should be okay by tomorrow.
