Bonkers 23

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That's Totally Insane, for those of you who don't speak English :) The next one of these life changing episodes, is half done - if I can stay awake - three hours last night fiddling with a computer and getting my knickers very twisted, did not ensure a good sleep - should be completed in the next day or two.




Your computer noticed that you appeared to be in a hurry. When they get cantankerous, they sometimes cause extra headaches when you're in a hurry. I suspect getting on your knees and bowing down to the thing is beneith your worthyness. But, maybe you could go put a pot on and/or have a cup of your favorite beverage while it gets over it's snit. :-)

Okay, sorry - tongue was stuck way out in my cheek there, but there does seem to be a correlation between how frustrated we are, and how long things take on these things.

Thanks for your efforts.


Okay, sorry - tongue was stuck way out in my cheek there, but there does seem to be a correlation between how frustrated we are, and how long things take on these things.

Ain't that the truth.....


It is written

Angharad's picture

Bonkers, I mean. It's off for editing. Should be up by Christmas (only joking).

Angharad :)
