No Twice Removed this week

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I had a good portion of the new chapter of Twice Removed written but I decided I didn't like what I wrote and that it wasn't consistent with what I want to do later in the story. Between that and some major depression I probably won't be posting it this week while I try to get my head straight and work on editing the first ten chapters of Raven's Blood for a bit of a break before getting back to Twice Removed and serials I need to post chapters of.

Thanks for your patience,



Take care

tmf's picture

Take care of yourself, HUGS.

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Big hugs tmf

Raven's Blood?! Another

Raven's Blood?! Another story?! (I'm sure it will be great, all your writing is awesome and I like ravens.)

Raven's Blood

Amethyst's picture

is another full length novel I'm working on. It takes place in Vancouver and in the same universe as Winter's Child, but it likely won't be posted here as it's not a TG story at all. I just need to figure out how I'm going to go about publishing it and Twice Removed.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3



I'll consider it

Amethyst's picture

The first ten chapters were pretty much just getting it all out since it was a Nanowrimo thing and I'm making a few small changes as I edit. I've gone through three of the chapters, but it's likely going to be a while before I have all of the ten chapters written looking like more than a rough draft. I won't make any promised about posting it here, but I will think about it.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Non TG stories permitted

The last I heard, an Author with other work published here may publish non-TG stories. I am sure that a couple people will howl indignantly about it.

I am working on a Science Fiction Space Oprah Romance with strong female protagonist in which it is plain that the first three pages were inserted to twink those who insist on TG stories quiet.

I have so much fun getting people to scream. :)


I would so read this

Space Oprah.... YES.

But I really like Space Opera. It's my fav sci-fi sub-genre.


Internet High Fives All Around

( •_•)>⌐■-■

My Deviantart


I will definitely think about it

Amethyst's picture

I feel it's a good story and probably one of my more marketable ones, up there with Twice Removed. It's urban fantasy in the same vein as Winter's child, and has a little bit of everything: humor, fast cars, demons,action... There's even the potential to make it a series of books if the first goes well. I just need to figure out whether I feel it's a good story for Big Closet or if I want to keep it under wraps til I'm ready to publish.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Thanks everyone

Amethyst's picture

For your well wished. I just had some really horrible dreams last night that put me in a really depressed mood today, I'm hoping I can shake it if I just take some time and relax a bit.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Twice Removed Sci Fi

Just thought that I would hound you some more about doing more SiE Fi like Twice Removed. That was a fun tale.

