You ever had one of those days where you wake up and roll over to look at the clock and scream because you're going to be late for work so you jump out of bed and rush around in a blind panic trying to get ready but you still know you can't make it in time so you slam the door and call to let them know you're going to be late and get a confused silence because you've been asleep three hours and misread your clock and still have over twelve hours before you have to be at work? I hate those days.
Yes, there are times I think
Yes, there are times I think I'm having one of those lives...
Sort Of...
I've awakened in the dark and mistaken PM for AM three times, I think, over the past couple of winters. Fortunately I haven't had anywhere I needed to be -- worst disconnect I suffered was opening the front door and not finding the morning paper, it not being morning -- but the disorienting feeling it causes gets somewhat eerie.
You're traveling through another time zone -- a mental disruption occurs not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the wake up call you placed at the front desk based on the misconception that the local time is one hour earlier rather than the one hour later that is reality. You've gotten out of bed inexplicably fatigued by two hours of lost sleep. That's a signpost up ahead: you've showered, dressed and checked out of your room -- and are now faced with two hours of thumb twiddling in the morning Twilight while waiting for your limo ride to the airport.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Rushing to leave for work, only to realize
halfway or more to work that it is Saturday or a holiday you'd forgotten about does it to you, too.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Been there, did that...
Yes. I think I'm having one of those lives too... I actually got to work once was confused as to where everyone else were. Then when I did figure it out I played it off as best as I could. The only good part about it was the few that was suppose to come early were totally baffled why I was there. :)
Confusion to your enemies!
Best to make the best of it as you can!
PS: Seems to happen more often when I'm in one of those totally realistic dreams that takes me a moment to sort out what is what! :)
Those crazy dreams
My dreams might have something to do with it. I tend to have really freaky and complex dreams that often lead to me having difficulty adjusting when I wake, and since I don't sleep all that well that's usually several times a night. Not only that, but with my job I stitch shifts on an almost daily basis, which doesn't help either.
Waking up is fun to do
My worst experience with waking up and not knowing if it is morning or evening was after a two week hospitalization. I was tired (Hospitals are no place to go to get rested) and arrived home at one in the afternoon. I lay down for a short nap, woke up the time on my clock indicated it was 5:30. I got up took a shower and headed down to the drug store to get the daily paper. Daylight savings time was in effect so it was nice and light out. Once I opened the door of my apartment and stepped into what was supposed to be a busy sidewalk and street I was amazed at how nothing was happening at such an early time in the afternoon.
I walked to the drug store to find it closed. My mind wondered why a drug store would be closed at 5:30 in the afternoon.
I walked to an all night convenience store and as I purchased a soda sandwich I commented at how busy it wasn't. Thats when I discovered it was morning not afternoon.
I had slept over sixteen hours and not even ralized it.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
How about
Changing the arrangemnt of you bedroom and the bed is ajacent to the opposite wall from where it was and the very next morning you awake late and launch yourself out of bed - straight into the wall!
I don't have a bed
I'm sleeping on my couch, actually :)
Once in high school I was semi- awake and trying to find my door, and somehow ended up rearranging my room while half asleep with the lights off. I actually realized what I was doing halfway through moving my chest of drawers in front of the door.
8 Hours later
The funniest thing that happened to me was 13 after going on 12 Mile Hike with the local youth club leaving the club at 8pm we ae all arrived at the meeting point and had a great barbecure. When i arrived home the following morning at 5am with my sister who had also gone on the hike, me being a gentleman allowed her to have a shower first, so sat down with a cup of tea. When i woke up i noticed the tea had gone, i got up and asked my mother if my sister had finished with her shower, i was told that she had finished her shower 8 hours before and i had fallen asleep with the mug of tea in my hand. So missed out on complete day and sunday dinner!
Next i will take the first shower.
Yeah, it's happened to me, though ...
it usually involved partying WAY too much the night before or being extremely exhausted.
Travel sometimes does it to me as well.
People in the American SW, beware of an 81, almost 82 year old driver in a Sable with Wisconsin plates. Dad is on the road again.
-- snicker --
He was with my cousin Mary Ann -- my late mother's oldest sister's oldest girl -- last night in Colorado and should be in Arizona soon to see the huge gem/mineral/fossil show. Just a warm up for when he and my Uncle Norman -- who can't drive anymore -- drive the ALCAN Highway to Alaska and back.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I've never had that problem!
I've had the same Radio alarm clock sense I was 10 and it's set to military time (24 hour)! So I know what Time Of Day or night it is. ALWAYS! I had to have it when I was a tow truck diver for 25 years. And in the trucking business you also use (military time) when dispatched.
So I'm so used to it all my clocks are set that way!
Hang on Baby Friday's coming!